Nerf Utgarde Keep XP farm in wrath

I have no problem with Sunwell BiS-geared tanks being able to slowly kill mobs in an entry-level, normal mode dungeon, yes. If that’s the level of gear it required for DPS to do it as well, then I’d be fine with it. But clearly mages can kill these mobs way faster, in far greater numbers, and with nowhere near the same gear requirements.

it never left? pallys started doing the SP boost, you use 3 mages for the slabs. and all they have to do is lock their level so the xp rate doesnt affect them. best way to do this is just to tie all the XP into an untradeable item that you have to get from the last boss, and if the boss is killed by someone thats clearly over the level required, it shouldnt drop said item – you would use this item to get XP from the instance.

you actually dont need sunwell bis gear, a warrior can do it in blues, im not sure if pallys can tho.

There’s actually a couple of reasons. So first off, currently in TBC you have to cast to do damage to mobs. The mages doing this UK farm are fire, and they spam living bomb only, which is instant cast. This means the mage can run the entire time, never stopping to do damage. The next part is UK has large rooms with plenty of space to blink and run long enough for mobs to die without catching up to you.

Yeah, I’m aware of those things. I’m mainly just talking about the idea of kiting with no utility other than Blink (albeit glyhed).

They will nerf it. Don’t worry. Itd be silly not too after all theyve done. These ppl aren’t capable of thinking of what a games supposed to play like
I mean most of them literally think buying gold and going afk is good game play. That is how you play retail wow though, so I guess theyve been conditioned too it. Sad when you think about it.

This is, after all, a character progression game and you want to abuse the system to skip a part of the progression that you don’t like.

Not skip it, make it faster.

Leveling is the worst part of the game.

I’m sure boosting is so popular and blizzard sells boosts and they are all bought because people actually just love leveling their 3rd+ toons.

It’s fine doing it 1-2 times, leveling is a chore to get to the end game where you spend 99% of your time.

There is a reason leaving keeps getting reduced as the game goes on.

Update on this - people are already planning on using the Utgarde keep farm sell boosts. Lots of people already discussing using it to level other players. They should look into this. it’s bleeding over from a solo playstyle choice into a potential exploit used to sell boosts again.

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man is just mad he’s too bad to do it himself lmao.

source? people are definitely planning to use this for themselves to level up their mage - but a max level character boosting others will not be effective here, much faster to quest.

It’s not even that hard to nerf just make it so the forge masters have to die vs. just pulling them for the fire to despawn not that hard…or is it!!!

Honestly, I don’t really know why people get so hyper over things like this. Like, everyone can level how they want to. If they want to do some high-risk-high-reward dungeon farming, what’s the issue with that? Realistically, most content is going to be at 80, not 70-79.

People selling dungeon runs for gold back in Vanilla Classic was a really fascinating new development of the player economy.

I suppose the only real argument that makes sense to me is the idea that it kills world PvP, but my counter-argument to that is that World PvP is never balanced and is the least rewarding way to farm honor.

So like… does a dungeon farm being fast require a nerf? I don’t think so, but if it does get nerfed, that’s fine.

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soon, lf 2 dps only fire mages, kill this shet

Why don’t we let people play how they want? Why are we so concerned with forcing rules on people for how they play, or if they play solo vs with other people?

If someone wants to solo farm a dungeon to level I say let them.

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It’s actually crazy the amount of gate keeping done.

It’s like they want us all to play the game how they play it.

Ruining stuff like this ruins the MMO genre.

Yeah because if you start removing things people like to do it doesn’t mean those people will just do other things in game, it might mean that they’ll quit!

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If someone wants to keep resetting UK from 70-79, be my guest. That doesn’t affect anyone else. So, they level a bit faster? Who cares, we’ll all hit 80.

Next you’re going to tell me you want to ban folks with sports cars because they can make it to the next stoplight before you. :roll_eyes:


ur telling me u dont wanna level thru wetlands for 99th time???

what the heck man blziz can we get this guy banned

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This why RDF should be in the game…

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