Nerf to shamans possibly?

You obviously never played a Shamen! Rogues delete us in a stun lock! Do you know how infuriating that is to watch a rogue appear out of nowhere and stab you till you die and you’re helpless! How about the invisible nightelf hunter that you have to constantly slow him WHILE HES KITING AND DAMAGING YOU. Don’t get me started on pally bubbles. I realize it comes down to complexity knowing your class! A good rogue will make a shamen helpless! A hunter who uses all his traps and concussion shot and kite all day! A boomkin who knows how to heal and switch to bear and travel form is dangerous! Warlock tanks that jump around and drain health faster than a shamen can dps them down! You want shamens to be helpless?!?

What do you mean??? :smirk:

Shamen is what you call them when there’s more than one of them

How a rogue can delete you in a stunlock?
Don’t you have a pvp trinket?


you dont even play on SoD GTFO

this video needs to spread like wildfire Lol its basically a culmination of everything wrong going on in SoD.

You guys must be new Shaman classic identity is juicy one shots, why do you guys hate classic so much?

it was never accepted before and this is the chance to fix it.

Wow he crit flame shock and got an insta power surge proc that overloaded and did big dam. The paladin wasted 2 globals on exo and holyshock instead of just insta dispelling flame shock and also didn’t bubble. Amazing gameplay from the paladin…this sure does prove that nothing can be done to beat a shaman and that 100% of the time they crit flame shock into an insta power surge proc


How you do that? I wanna do it too.

How about we nerf tank locks, that heal through an entire kidney + tea… No way to stop it… even Vanishing does nothing.

what if he wasnt a paladin? cant use the cleanse argument there moron lmao

this is a 1v1 situation its the one thing demo locks are any good at, otherwise they are trash and do no damage so i wouldnt agonize about it

Man, this is a long thread…

Here’s how this works in Classic…

First, Shaman are given to Alliance and Paladins are given to Horde.

Then and only then will Paladins be buffed while Shaman nerfed to parity.

Are you implying that there is no other class in the game that has any ability they can use to stop the shaman from doing damage? So because I commented on the miss play of the paladin and pointed out the incredible rng the shaman had in that moment I am the moron? And your only rebuttal is “Wut if Dey Not PalAdin?!?!?”

Stick to being unflagged on your PVE server…BUM

Have you tried vanishing the drain life? Also how do they get the drain life off if they are in a stun lock…Are you opening with garrote?

Shamans are like ants to me. One of them, okay, they’re dead or they might kill me if I don’t have some CDs or something.

But more than 3 shamans? Yeah that’s gg. A whole group of ants can just destroy everything, but by themselves they still carry 50x their own weight.

They don’t die. How is stalling them in a stun going to help? Why does everyone on these forums think Kidney Shot is an “I win” button, it isn’t.

It definitely is not. But it used to be close to one pre damage nerf. Mages feel so bad right now, it must be horrible to play mage.

True. Which brings me to my main overarching point: people need to start being more specific in their whining. They need to specify if they’re talking about pre DR nerf or with DR, but something tells me they’ve muddled the difference in their minds. It’s not like they’re documenting their results with each different DR test.

imagine going into SoD with your heart set on playing a frost mage. then they get deep freeze after collecting A-Z of their Webster’s Thesauruses and feel like maybe finally they’ll start to come online just to have them lumped in with all the other busted instant caster classes and eat a fat 30% dmg nerf that hurts them the most.

and they still practically die as fast as they did without the damage reduction. THEY DID YOU BOYS DIRTY