Nerf to shamans possibly?

it feels like theres nothing that can be done to beat them. They always seem to get their health full somehow, and in the same breath they are bursting me for insane amounts of damage, and they have pretty much an answer to every possible thing you can think of.


these threads are spam at this point


I play as horde and I dont play shaman. I have been partied with shamans, fought against shamans in the blood moon, and watched my shaman allies delete Alliance players in battlegrounds.

I have seen and felt how oppressive shamans are in PvP.

I say this as someone who mostly benefits from having Shamans on my teams most of the time, its time to nerf Shamans…


is it? im just voicing my concern because pvp they really are kinda busted atm. the spam could just be to raise awareness.


I guess its about time for the nerf shaman thread spam.

P2: literally noone complains for the first 2 weeks, suddenly they get geared and everyone spams nerf which they did for p3 launch.

Will probably look something like that

Warlocks are getting a multiple demon summon that attacks enemies around them. Mages are getting a phoenix that bombards everything. Shamans are getting an ancestor that doesn’t think for itself and can only use 2 spells. I think the nerf is already being implemented in war within

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wrong forum this is SoD not War within

your right i was browsing the war within and this one showed up. didn’t notice the forum line.

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flagging as spam


We really needed another topic on this.

so thats what its gonna be now? horde trying to dismiss the opposition as spam? Sad


Maelstrom rune OP. But hey they Will come and tell You that paladins are OP because of lay of hands. When shamans are using a mini loH multiple times in the same fight with no mana cost.


are you talking about current meta?

have you played it alot?

i can tell you that the 20% phys damage nerf along with the 30% magic nerf and the 20% healing nerf hits shaman 3 different times.

what more do you want?

its getting stupid at this point to even see these threads.

Yep, idk what people want besides just deleting shamans. we currently flop to a stun. Rogues can delete us in a kidney. Warrior MS double dips with healing nerf so our meta heals heal for like 600 at best

heh with ms on me i heal for like 200 maybe. its bad lol.

but thats what warriors and rogues with wound poison are for i guess.

unless this is the damage/healing reduction that will be implemented going forward, it’s still warranted. enhancement sham are mortals for another 3 days until they return to godhood.

yes yes boohoo you die when 4 casters focus you at once and you can’t get MSW in a 0 damage reduction meta, but guess what, so does literally every other melee.

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Digital cancer. You cant nerf them hard enough, I think i saw one still crawling.


oh man that sounds rough, I have 0 instant cast heals that cost 0 mana tho, idk what proccing a free heal would feel like unless it was WoTLK…but it’d be a flash of light, not your version of a free holy light



if youre talking about the 1-3 shot meta shaman utility kinda goes out the window with the amount of damage coming out and they die quick (well before any malestrom stacks become a real threat) .

if youre talking about the current meta , they are in a good place and not op .

you gotta specify the meta youre talking about and why in that meta they should be or not be nerfed.

im done trying to read cryptic garbage and trying to mind read people to try and counter or not counter arguments.

There is nothing you can do about it……

I’m gonna queue into your lobby and drop a 40 bomb and you will have to toss and turn in your sheets all night getting ptsd audible flashbacks of lightning noises.

https:// imgur. com/a/DJWelIm

https:// imgur .com/a/6Roa0lE

Shaman is incredibly balanced and nothing needs to be changed.

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