Nerf to shamans possibly?

Lmao they sure did, bro in this meta ice barrier actually useless. Ice lance hits for piss, god being a mage must be an all time depressing moment right now. Atleast you can press chrono static for the gang

Hmm be a mage with shields that disappear in one global or be a boomkin with 5600 armor

Frost Mages are embarrassing, yes, they’re basically getting the same treatment as Rogues, except Rogues were already insane, Frost Mage wasn’t good until Ice Lance came in, that’s the biggest difference.

This burst meta surpasses Ice Lance spam, it’s kinda crazy. You don’t even have time to Ice Lance two times before you’re dead.

The high IQ mages I’m seeing are healing in BGs and using their utility offensively. They’re basically offensive healers, they want more smoke than a healer, but they’re not as capable of killing as other casters.
If a mage is in AB defending flags, sheeping and healing, that is a serious problem, that’s like 2 healers basically.

I mean its not just kidney it’s CS + Kidney and then you have blind on top of that + all the other rogue cds. Can also use a resto pot as well to just dispel anything the lock does

Every DR test has been trash and that is why the game is on life support

I had 2 friends who were maining mage from my group of WoW homies.

they quit like a week or 2 into p3. one of our other friends mained spriest in p1-p2 and switched to maining resto/dual spec boomie in p3, and then wanted to level a shaman, so he did (he wanted to play shaman at launch, I wanted to play a paladin). he played enhance and ele and quit because he said it feels like playing a game with cheat codes on and it got boring.

he compared it to playing GTA and having invincibility turned on.

I think he got better geared on ele, he stopped like shortly after they buffed the burn rune. I remember him being like “dude they just give me more spell power than Atiesh for free”

Most people are trinketing kidney now, so you can cancel that out. I started opening with Garrote during the DR tests because it’s more burst opening, so you can cancel Cheapshot out.
Some Rogues use Deadly Brew on chest, it depends on what DR is active, poisons cancel out blind and gouge, so you can cancel those. Also kidney gets resisted half the time and I’m pretty sure I saw my Between the Eyes get redircted by Grounding Totem, I dunno my shot just flew towards a totem randomly today.

So you need to be running certain runes to even be able to achieve what you’re talking about and it needs to be no DR, then yeah, maybe I am killing people with the stun combo if there is no DR, if there is, then no, no one is dying.

Agree 100%.

your only argument is name calling, im more convinced then ever shamans need a nerf now

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You called me a name as well lmao and I said a lot more than just calling you a BUM maybe reading isn’t your strong suit idk

Whomp whomp does it really matter either try again or give up. by that point if you nerf shaman entirely then your point is meaning less if the next class is going to be complaint with a nerf. just move on and accept it at least you have paladin bubble as alliance

name calling is only one part of my argument where its the only part u have, plus u earned the right to be called a moron because u keep defending a known overpowered class moron


I am so sick of these threads. Shamans are not broken. We don’t even have CC. CC classes > shamans.

ummm nice try, you guys have the ultimate form of CC lol its called globalling people, and a dead person is the best form of cc u can do

Trinkets have 5min cds. You can repeatedly stun someone during that 5-minute CD. Rogues should never complain. They are one of the most broken classes in the game.

So, we can trinket every time we get stunned? Like the trinket doesn’t have a cooldown or anything… You people do not use your BRAIN.

if only the race you chose to play had an aoe stun…

…oh wait


ya its kinda funny seeing a tauren of all things crying about their overpowered faction only class whining about CCs Lollllllllllll


Thank you I put this message in hope some of you braindead shaman says exactly this (look at the guy I quoted).

So pvp trinket is a 5 min cd and you can’t use it every fight or whenever you want as soon as it has been used.

But on the other hand you and your fellow horde player beings are the first to tell us “You have bubble and its 5 min cd is irrelevant because…”

Hypocrite. :unamused:


ele shamans were already OP in classic PvP so its funny to see how hard they were buffed in SoD. To be fair every class had huge changes/buffs. In my opinion the best classic + wouldnt have these huge changes with runes, classes could have had minor tweaks to talents and gear sets to make them viable in raids and it wouldnt change pvp balance of classic much.

For example to make paladin tanks viable for raids all you would need to do is change redoubt talent from “crits” to “hits” remove mana cost of holy shield, make judgements used while Righteous fury is active count as taunts, and have a tanking tier set for them.

what do you think im going to say is the 100% verified, accurate, and nearly on the ptr solution to shaman? Thanks :slight_smile:

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shhh thats the name im trying to get for my cleric, i dont want it to get stolen

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