Nerf to shamans possibly?

HUGE NEWS SOD SAVED :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

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Sadness, see yall next Tuesday for raid!

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you messing with Cata? I quit right before Cata years and ago and never played it, so Iā€™m trying it out. super easy to get 5 set of pvp gear, just play the run across the map version of AV

Give my pally purge and the blood feud will be over.

ā€œPaladins have plate, a larger hp pool, a stun, a mezz and an invulnerability bubble.ā€

Once you equip a shield the armor values are likely at parity - possibly may even be in the favor of the shaman in terms of raw armor value. Shields have like 2k armor. The difference between the chest pieces from ST from mail to plate are like 200. Assuming itā€™s that same quantity across all the pieces (6) youā€™re still looking at a shaman being tankier on average.

Health pools are relative in classes with the ability to heal? If you can instant cast riptide on yourself, it would be reasonable to say that your healthpool is affected by that? Itā€™s also every 6 seconds, riptide is a 6 second cooldown. Also, how much more of health pool do paladins have anyways? Is there gear more stam heavy?

Iā€™ll give you the bubbleā€¦ but itā€™s a 5 minute cooldown.

No idea what a mezz is.

Shamans have a lot more than some damage and healing every 8-10 seconds.


Theyā€™re spam because thereā€™s literally 50 threads about this topic. Instead of people just bumping one of those 50, they start an entire new thread about a topic that has been beat to absolute death. People out there pummeling a skeleton now.

Yes it is. There are dozens maybe even hundreds of these nerf shaman threads up at this point. They arenā€™t even the most OP class in SoD. It seems like you people just want to create whatever thread is the most trending in topics right now. You arenā€™t even allowed to make a new thread about the same exact subject until the other one has capped out and none of these ever has. You people just keep spamming these nerf shammy threads sometimes multiple a day will pop up.

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shut uppppp shamans are balanced stop poking holes

definetly need a nerf to shamans, really i think its their ability to proc free powerful lava bursts and heals. too much of everything and no taxes.


Shamans arenā€™t even the most OP class in SoD and they were already nerfed.

confirmed u dont pvp as alliance SoD

I wonā€™t lie if I was alliance Iā€™d just play the superior classes anyways, like ranged chimera hunter, boomkin , or spriestā€¦. But sadly you guys get saddled up with idiot rets.

What can be done.

make divine storm great again


and thats why they need to put shamans on the same level as paladins to keep it fair

Or paladins on some shaman levelā€¦. Revenge of the Rets! Donā€™t make us play down there at that scum exo spamming level.

Make divine storm not trash.


they arent gonna do that lets be honest. so far the pattern each new phase has been all other classes get stronger and stronger due to better runes and paladins keep falling behind more and more, aswell as their weaknesses getting more worse because of it

Without them getting 8 additional buttons, thatā€™s impossible.

I do both factions. REAL PvPers never complain. I mainly only ever see players who have about 5 to 10k hks on their entire account who complain about PvP nonstop.

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REAL PvPers post on throwaway alts claiming youā€™re not a real PvPer unless you agree that shaman are fine

lol sad attempt

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I agree to all the good points that have been exchanged and thoroughly agree that ret paladins deserve to be nerfed into the ground.