Nerf to shamans possibly?

LOL bro what bandwagon in P1? SoD was brand new, there was no defined meta, some runes were datamined and we didn’t even know what was going to be in the game and what wasn’t. I picked paladin because I like paladins, my first character was a paladin, and I wanted to go back and play a version of ret in the classic setting that was actually viable.
2 weeks into P4 and it’ll probably just gonna be a bunch of people just like you running around, and you sure sound like a blast to be around.

Mate, im the life of the party

I don’t think anyone was invited though :frowning:

it’s gonna be a bunch of shaman standing around a circle in Orgrimmar talking about how everyone left because they just weren’t as good as them

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Saying that like its a bad thing?

Because without a doubt there was plenty of paladins shining each others swords in Stormwind in P1 if you catch my drift. You’re only mad because youre not the big boy anymore?

sounds like you’re still mad about getting dazed by a shield in phase 1 lmao. whatever bro, enjoy it while it lasts, talk all the smack you want, but the game is dying and will continue to die if they leave it in this state.

WAAA WAAAA says the paladin. Ok will do mate, ill enjoy the game thanks!

Paladins have plate, a larger hp pool, a stun, a mezz and an invulnerability bubble.

Shaman have damage and possibly some healing every 8-10 seconds.

Cope harder.

The raw potential and capability of these hybrids is why the pure DPS need to stay doing 1 shot type of damage.

Rogue needs full damage and full mobility against all this. Otherwise it’s a dead class and nothing is ever threatening the casters.

Same thing with Warrior. WoW is an ecosystem, you balance it by balancing the classes individually, people have been screaming this non stop.

They also have a ranged slow (Frost Shock), Paladins don’t have a slow at all.

You ran up against literal garbage if you drop 40 boms.


this thread has been restored from being flagged as spam. Sorry shamans, even the moderators here agree they are busted. such a small brain desperate attempt to hide the truth. Your class is busted, you play this game with trainning wheels on for playing as them, and you probably play single player games with easy mode on too

make sure you insult people in a thread that got reported (which is also against the tos) .

sure sounds like a brilliant plan.

at this point i am fed up with the class and how long its taking for them to nerf it. ive been pvping pretty much every day for the past two weeks trying to get 110k honor which was taken from me last week because i had to xfer servers. and the one class that is just downright the most oppresive class is noneother then shamans. im so sick of them instantly killing me with lava burst followed by several other instant casts, the fight literally just ends when i think it is still setting up.

and then theres you, the biggest gaslighter ive ever seen in my entire life trying to convince everyone that the class is balanced lol most dishonest person i ever met

sure thing.

just make sure to try and insult people more cause it wont come back to you at all!

not sure what you mean by that but ummm ya sure whatever u say, in the end the arent gonna nerf shamans anyhow. people will keep quitting these servers because its a complete mess and they keep ignoring it for things literally no one cares or asked for

How is the touched by shamans support group today?

You guys doing okay? Let me know if you need more decaf coffee or help folding up the metal chairs in your cute circle when you are done.


did you see the hotfixes?!! DOING GREAT :smiley:

I did not, but everyday I pray the hotfix the gold from incursion quests out of the game that is slowly killing the game. And that Enhance becomes 2h, and that ret is better with slow weapons so I can maybe make one.

Sadly the mists remix gets closer every day and sod is more trash by the day.