Nerf to shamans possibly?

if they made art of war give us instant flash of light even that would be an improvement, but if they wanted to be fair, it would be instant holy light at 0 or even half mana cost

maybe at 60 every class can have their full kit and everything they need, that would be great

What happened was Aggrend played ret pally and made them OP in P1 then he realized how toxic the ret community is in general and has been trying to distance himself from them ever since.

ret was strong in P1 for sure, nowhere near how they left enhancement shaman juggernauts through the entirety of P2 though, then they became busted in P3 in a different way. people been posting threads about how busted sham is since February lmao get a grip. it’s not healthy for the game.

Thank you bro for being honest, despite rolling horde and benefits from having shamans on your team. My guess is it is the same people who were defending scorpid hunters in P1 are the same defending shamans in P3.

At this point until some class balancing occurs, I am not really playing SOD. Dont get me started on retail (havent touched it since Legion). I am just playing other games. There’s no point in keep trying to give BG’s a chance (which is what I like to do) until they fix some things. It is 0 fun to get steam rolled as Alli in every BG because horde have a faction specific class that steamrolls. It also doesn’t help that there are a few other broken classes right now that need some balancing. I am normally not a fan of just shouting “NERF” from the rooftops, but for the health of the game it needs to be done. It blows my mind that people are defending broken classes. People were defending scorpid hunters in P1, which were busted. If nothing else, people should be wanting some balance, at least for the health of the game. Some servers are dying out because people are leaving in a big way. After all it is an MMO and we need a healthy community to keep playing the game we all want to be successful.

if you actually were horde you would also report on those same shaman getting blown up at range by spriests boomkin and hunters and also getting ate by rogues .

but no you decided to try and post only 1 side of it.

i somehow dont believe you actually are horde.

Dude how hard do you intend to gaslight people. 0 mana lay on hands multiple times per fight. Unless you intend to make lay on hands a 4 second second cool down please just say yes this is overtuned. God doesn’t like liars

shaman is directly countered by rogues /spriests/boomies/hunters in group pvp.

in the current meta of 1-3 shots they are strong but balanced.

you cant handle them not being a free kill.

Ele is a boomkin and a spriest but better. Every point you make about melee shamans applies to paladins minus having a 1hr cool down ability on an effective cooldown of less than 10 seconds. I would gladly give up bubble for infinite lay on hands

the stacks can be purged easily and they have to be hitting someone to build the stacks.

Alliance has like 1/10th of the purging power that horde has. Melee as a paladin is just as difficult except you don’t get any free heals at all as opposed to you maybe having a hard time building stacks. Pallies however always have a hard time building stacks because they don’t have any stacks to build at all. Ret has effectively 0 self heal due to 2.5 cast, cast bar push back, earth shock and other kicks and they only heal for 700 and go oom after 3 heals. This doesn’t apply to me because I play shockadin

when you say stuff like this, you have no idea how hard people eye roll and invalidate any slightly reasonable points you may have had. like I’ll concede they are SLIGHTLY more managable in damage and healing reduction meta, but that is gone right now. do you honestly think THIS is why every day since February the front page of the forums has multiple threads asking for Shaman nerfs? because they want them to be a free kill?

no, it’s because they’re broken.

eh nah ele is okay to boomkin or spriest…

less range,
more squishy thanks to no frenzied regen cheese or disperse…
boomkins have INSANE armor values.

id take either over ele.

enhance tho…

enhance owns all melees in team fights…

the cheesiest thing about ele is overloaded procs, but at least they can die now that they’re incentivized not to run Way of Earth. still feels bad when I know 2 are casting on me, if one of them gets a proc before I can get both flame shocks off, I know I’m about to get 100-0’d

Shamans can also:

  1. Mass cleanse poison for their party
  2. Mass cleanse fear for their party
  3. Mass cleanse diseases for their party (void plague - the hardest hitting SP dot)
  4. Mass slow an enemy team
  5. Instant heal their raid with riptide and then get a near instant cast heal off after two subsequent uses of this spell
  6. Cast freedom/melee grounding for a get out of jail free card if they overextend into CC. To emphasize how absurd this is… Paladins who had 0 slows, 2 CC buttons to press on long CDs had this ability. They gave an improved version to a class with 2 ranged slows.
  7. Offensive dispel
  8. Instant cast an AOE damaging ability that is an assured crit every 3 minutes
  9. If they’re orc, have an inbuilt 25% resistance to stuns
  10. Wear mail and shields - so close to plate wearer level of armor in addition to talents that make them tankier vs elemental spells
  11. Slow a running target/ranged interrupt a caster
  12. Serve as a mana battery for their party

I have already said this in other threads - the runes for you guys are placed perfectly. You get everything and often have to sacrifice something that amounts to “Awww shucks!”. Insane levels of utility, more than respectable damage, and infinitely more tanky than you should be. Keep in mind, a boomie drops form to heal in any capacity.


meanwhile I have 3 runes I literally have to run dedicated to optimizing exorcism lmao. I have so many cool leg runes I don’t even get to use! :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved:

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HAHAHAHAHAHA oh please cry more

have fun in your dwindling pop game bud, eventually you’re gonna log in and look around and ask where everybody went before SoD even ends.

Ah well, i guess bandwagoner paladin alliance players probably should have thought about that before all going alliance P1? If there wasn’t anything remotely in hordes favor P2 the game would’ve been dead already pvp wise from your factions actions.