Nerf to shamans possibly?

Yep, not a bold statement at all, saying that the whole faction is just not motivated enough to win. It is not like classic pvp is already clunky enough so there are not many ways to outplay your opponent. And then we get a faction specific class that stat checked people in p2 and gets even more powerful runes in p3. Atleast on ERA you could get a coordinated team of 10/15 people to overcome the imbalance.

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Can’t wait to see player count plummet if and when they decide to nerf shamans into the gorund.

yes. we know, she was comparing how much work it is to destroy a totem vs purging. priests being able to dispell isnt at question here.

Thanks counselor, this is what I responded too. Again, what exactly does killing totems have to do with shamans ability to purge not 1 but 2 buffs?

shamans dont need to spend 2-3 seconds wanding their powerful support buffs instead they can just purge the opposition to take support away where paladins have to painstakingly hit totems to take support away which is a much more difficult task, especially if the totems are off screen behind a wall

you must be a bad warlock if youre saying you cant kill shaman.

i dont play in metaform , i would have a better chance if i did but i dont like how using that rune turns me into a man. also i dont pvp as warlock, i do as my other classes.

so youre complaining about meta shamans being able to kill you while not even in metaform? k.

ummmmm what? use your freaking eyes dummy lol i dont pvp as my warlock so i dont really have a point of my own reference. the most i did was to get my ring from BM but only did it in my pve spec.

The only way I can see to nerf it without completely ruining it would be to take healing wave off of it. We would still get insta lhw so its better than nothing I would be okay with that + riptide.

Insta gwolf would be very nice. The amount of grenades I go though to get to ranged targets is absurd. Also make sham rage usable while stunned. They finally let us use it in silence but now we can’t use it in stun

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I imagine it would have quite the opposite effect lol.

All the fotm rerolls will just reroll to the next fotm.

It’s the Maelstrom Weapon buff. Enh shamans can get to 5 stacks pretty fast and then cast an instant Healing Wave. If it makes you feel better, Shamans are extremely squishy now without Way of Earth, and they have nothing to get out of snares and roots except 1 trinket every 5 minutes.

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they can get out of snares and roots every 20 seconds thanks to decoy totem. it’s blessing of freedom but better because it’s also grounding totem but for physical attacks, and killing the totem doesn’t remove the freedom buff


I think the heart of the issue is paladins are jealous shamans are having fun and are forced to come to terms with the fact they picked the wrong faction.

I mean you’re half right buddy, but that’s not the gotcha you think it is. those medium pop servers are probably gonna keep shrinking if things don’t drastically change, have fun while ya can

that’s not really a shaman issue per se, but more that they made a lot of decisions that made sod not as good as people hoped for. I think if everyone gets to be op we all can have fun, that’s kind of the point of sod, and then suddenly things are op and people are like suprised pikachu face, like shamans came up out of the dirt and now we’re pretty high tier in almost everything people want to hate, like just wish for your own class to get some nice buffs maybe there can be balance in everyone getting to be op

I want divine storm to be worth pressing and shaman to not be leagues above everyone else, MSW instant healing is too much with their utility and damage

i think that would be a good compromise, they should bring all the runes up to par and give us actual options, the msw healing is kind of essential to make us even viable, you know how quick a melee can get blown up in any sort of group content? we don’t have bubble to get out of jail free like paladins do, we can’t just immune a stun, if a paladin gets a full hoj on me i can die before i even have time to generate those stacks. Is paladin bubble while doing full damage balanced?

brother how many attacks do you think you can immune with decoy and grounding in 5 mins? I am well aware of how fast a melee can get blown up at range, I don’t have any mobility except for the equivalent of a boot enchant, and no slow or ghost wolf (I know it’s not always possible to get a 1 sec cast off, but the option to try is there) to try to get away. outside of bubble I am prone to the same ranged damage, except I have 0 instant cast heals. I have a 1.5 sec cast heal that is worth absolutely nothing unless I run sacred shield and give up major throughput, and speedrun OOMing myself, or basically a 2.5 sec cast heal that heals slightly less than your instant healing wave.

i’d be fine if paladins got a buff somewhat, sounds like you just need to ask for is word of glory and you’re set, shamans got really good sensible buffs already and i don’t think they need to be gutted