Nerf to shamans possibly?

You do realize that you can also remove 2 buffs or debuffs…. Which a shaman cannot.

careful you might get called flaccid for pointing out the truth.

it’s not that shamans hit hard i don’t care that they hit hard, everyone hits hard
it’s that shamans have an Answer to every problem in the game AND hit hard
Tremor Totem for Fear, charm, and sleep
Decoy for Snares and roots
grounding totem for hard hitting spells like CB and CS
Poison cleans for drain mana and Wound poison
can be orcs so they resist 30% of all stuns
Can regain mana every 2 mins
And all of these (except for orc stun resist) are group wide, totems are fire and forget and can be moved, the mana regen is also a dmg reduction.
The simple fact is that only one other class can do this kinda and thats shadow priests but they have to Leave Shadow form, waste a whole lotta mana, and GCDs to do what shamans can do while still being able to do full range DPS AND horde get shadow priests too


i would go line by line explaining to you but im feeling lazy and dont want to bother.

the answers are choices the shaman has to make (a whole lot of which shadowpriests also can make without going out of shadow form).

they arent nuking you with full range instant cast nukes while also insta healing.

the cleaning totems are not used unless going against a rogue or a hunter and only used when they have poisons up and usually only affects 1 person at a time . the group cleanse isnt nearly used as much as you think.

the decoy and grounding totems have to be timed correctly cause a grounding can catch a big spell like a chaos bolt or a throw away spell like ice lance. or a wand hit.

funny how in nearly all bgs with multiple people with stun ive been against i get “stun locked” as often as other people despite my 25% stun resist. its a gamble and rng.

also i want to add that if we are projecting the totems away from us to snare someone with earthbind we are out of range of them to do the cleansing or grounding a spell or whatever.

theres alot of tradeoffs to this and its not zero sum.

Could of just posted in 1 of the other threads.

Like everytime a shaman kills 1 of you keyboard turning clickers you don’t need to make a new thread.


i love how much everybody crys about when shams when your class can be just as good meta locks unkillable if they have 2 brain cells rets amazing if they aren’t smooth brains the list gos on but yes please nerf dw sham an buff 2h sham so we can really see yall cry

Raid logging proves that horde is about under 8k players so until it evens up Id say blizz will keep something for the horde to pull players

Maybe you might still have that complete immunity shield if you hadnt popped it at 90% health and mana and charged into a group of 5 like the bg hero you are.

Can be killed easily has a 20 yard range and pulses every 4 seconds. You can get a weakaura that puts a giant icon over the totem and also shows its pulse timer.

Can be dispelled and is not group wide it is a targeted ability.

Redirects 1 spell has a 15 sec cd and is pretty easy to play around

Can kill the totem and it removes 1 poison every 3 seconds

25% and this is a pointless point

1 min and without this you would literally never have mana as enh

All of these abilities use globals which is the most important thing for shamans to manage as you get caught in a global and it means getting ccd or being unable to interrupt. We also struggle to catch ranged classes HARD.

You think enh just destroys any other melee?
Rogues kill you in a stun lock if you can’t get out of it and sometimes even if you do with evasion. You basically have to decoy the rogues opener and kite them with slows and spell damage to win.

Rets can just bubble at the start of the fight this gives them 12 sec of immunity and stops the shaman from getting maelstrom procs. So they either have to hard cast a heal with 0 push back protection or they have to cast ghost wolf and run away both of which can be stopped with stun and rep. Most rets for whatever reason use it at 20% hp and use its duration to heal. Allowing the shaman to also just heal back to full.

Melee hunter just send your pet in first BM it and then go in after the pet has pressure. with monkey you have like a 40% dodge chance so you really only lose this fight with bad rng

Warrior prolly the easiest one for enh to beat, You can still win with crits and a well timed fear/defensives but warrior is just in a terrible spot either way

Alliance tears fuel my self heals :slight_smile:

I will be honest.

I do believe enhance shamans could be tuned.

I also believe that these forums have no desire for tuning any over performing class they simply want to gut them and make them unplayable.

If my options are to be brokenly overpowered or useless.

I will obviously only campaign for the former.

But there are some easy non class breaking ways to fix enhancement shaman.

I honestly don’t feel ele is that powerful as any class forced to stand still and turret spells already has many natural and easy counters.


honestly the simple fact is , enh shaman have no charge/stealth/shadowstep/bubble to protect them or close gaps so they have to eat all that damage going to a target.

they have at most a grounding that might or might not get a spell worthy of dropping the totem .

they arent tanky really in the 1-3 shot meta and arent especially tanky in the current one if they arent getting malestrom stacks or if they are getting dispelled.

just turn and dump on the shaman and they are dead.

stuns and evasion type things (including hunter 40% dodge) directly counter us and so does well placed range that actually kite or protect each other.

honestly they arent weak and they arent broken in the current meta if people play counter to them .

they need that damage though for when they get to a target cause if they hit like a freaking noodle they would be absolutely useless.

Exactly this.

If instead of 50 threads for “Nerf Shaman” there were 50 threads for “Balance MSW”, I’d be in full agreement. Because that really sounds like the root of all these problems - Enh Shaman’s ability to instantly self-heal and range-burst. It isn’t a problem with Shamans writ large.

This is true. And tbh I’d take a MSW healing nerf for instant ghostwolf and feral lunge.

honestly i solo farm the wind elementals in sillithus and need msw procs to stay alive doing it . i dont want it nerfed lol .

yeah thats definitely a problem , i think its a really cool pve mechanic I dont want to lose.

Its not a shaman issue, its a motivation/skill issue on alliance. Stop using shaman as an excuse for losing in PvP/BGs. The only thing you see in Alliance BG chat is 2-3 people saying “just let them cap and go next” or “man shaman are so OP when will they get nerf”. Everyone does big damage and self healing now, especially with the pvp damage reductions, enhance shammy is not an issue at all in pvp. Rogues can kill them in one cheapshot/kidney time-frame, warriors can kill them as long as they have MS up, Melee hunter can spam raptor strike and kill them through heals and they dodge most of their attacks.

Its completely a skill/motivation issue on Alliance, but you guys keep making the excuse of shamans being OP – Every class is OP in pvp besides ret pallies. I play both alliance and horde toons, and the issue with alliance is that they give up after the first clash in both WSG/AB. Once the initial clash is lost, there are like 2-3 people in BG chat that go “just let them cap and move next”, and then half the team will sit at ST (AB) / GY (WSG) after it. The only time we win alliance WSG is when we have a druid FC carrying the entire team (consumes, whelp armor, engineering CDs etc.) – even then there are prob 1-2 people sitting GY most of the game.

You also have too many emerald green ret pallys in alliance BG pop hitting like wet noodles and bubbling once they charge into BS initial clash. They should be playing holy and supporting the team, given the damage reductions and ret’s output at the moment. Just not an optimal class in PvP right now, and it doesnt help that 40-50% of the alliance team is always emerald green ret pallys.

Sitting in horde AB solo queue for 1hr now (estimate at 15min). Alliance needs to stop using shaman as an excuse for clear lack of motivation and skill. Especially with the damage reductions over the last 2 weekends, shaman are not an issue at all in pvp. Queue up and play the game, stop whining and making excuses for pvp/BG losses on alliance

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I’d argue there is a high demand for shaman nerfs due to shamans needing nerfs.


To the people that don’t PvP, it really sucks that our abilities get nerfed.

“Yay, I’m contributing in my raid group!” “Yay, I’m having fun questing!”

Post nerf: “But why? Oh, PvP happened, /sigh”

I think we should probably give them another rune that gives them an additional 300 spellpower, seems only fair.

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