Nerf to shamans possibly?

And what is your argument? That you suck at the game and can’t beat a shaman under any circumstance? You act like any spec shaman looks at any class in the game and they instantly die 100% of the time with zero deviations. No class has a single button they can push to do anything vs a shaman and that a shaman has a 100% win rate vs every other class in the game. It’s just not true idk your just a BUM that sucks at the game and plays on a pve server and is crying about pvp

Wow a 2 second stun that DOES NOTHING. You have a 5 second stun. Stop complaining.

well, it stuns everyone around you for 2 seconds, so it’s not nothing

How does that make me a hypocrite? I don’t think you even know what word means lol.

-thinks bubble 5 min CD is always available
-complains trinket 5 min CD is too long

yep, checks out

2 seconds is nothing, I can’t heal with those 2 seconds, at least enough to keep me alive, so that 2 seconds does nothing. Maybe in a 1v1, it’s helpful but not vs groups even with it being aoe. Burst damage out beats my 2-second stun. Your 5 second stun gives you plenty of time to burst someone down and heal up.

you have 2 stuns both on instant cast, longer than war stomp, with a shorter cooldown, and you dont give up a DPS cooldown to have them.

Shamans either have access to the worst hard stun in the game, or they arent a tauren.

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how many DPS runes do you have to give up to run decoy totem and riptide?

every shaman rune is perfectly slotted for each play style, yet ret is forced to run all runes to buff exorcism, there are a lot of other runes that would be nice to be able to use but the way our class has been designed is focused on one thing.

when you make a shaman, you have the choice between passively resisting the most potent CC in the game, an AOE stun (you can interrupt hard casts around you with), or a cast speed boost.

when you make a paladin, you get to choose between stealth detection or stone form (I messed up and should have mained my dwarf paladin, but I already have the rep grinds done on this dude)

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how many DPS runes do you have to give up to run decoy totem and riptide?

You give up alpha for that. You give up Sham rage to run way of earth. Static Shock, overcharge, and rolling thunder all share a slot with rip tide.

You dont seem to understand the class you are convinced is personally victimizing you. You dont seem to understand your own class either.

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my point is you get better flexibility, you have the option to slot way of earth and be even cheesier in a damage reduction meta (you also don’t get the effect from burn though, but there is a shaman on here in one of the threads playing that way in wpvp)

Alpha is just another example of shaman runes being over budget, it’s a better version of salvation and they nerfed it from 20% to 5% when it shouldn’t even have a DPS increase, their runes are laughably charitable to their class. someone on the dev team definitely mains a shaman in SoD.

what class do you main gurmag?


I main a warrior, like i have said several times, and I’d main a paladin if they were available for the horde**. Unlike you, im not busy looking for reasons to feel inadequate, and fabricating them when i cant find enough.

ok buddy. go compare paladin runes to shaman runes and tell me who has more flexibility.

our leg rune has to be exorcist. every rune that doesn’t outright gimp our class with some hindrance, while shaman runes are charitable, is designed to buff exorcism, with the exception of one other viable wrist rune that you can run that makes hammer of wrath instant cast. divine storm hits weaker than hammer of the righteous with a 1h and shield so that isn’t even an option anymore.

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You are not entitled to move the goalposts.

Well they keep giving shaman stuff that doesn’t really have a place in classic, and then they have to prop it up with absurd tuning.

Should have been obvious in P1 when they got a rune that just hands them a free 10% hit chance to both melee and spells. Everyone else has to bend over backwards to get the hit chance they need lol.

Truly wish whoever has been handling shaman wasnt on the SoD team. Shameless cluelessness.

Also shoutout to the shaman defenders. Anyone that PvP’d in 2019 classic could have already told you ele Shamans were a busted scrub-crutch of a class, now they’ve gotten disproportionately stronger and you’re trying to act like they are balanced :rofl:


UH OH dude you only have 20 posts, look out or the shaman defense brigade will come to call you a sock puppet

Thats kinda rude

he’s been doing this for days.

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So true. Not sure why the SoD team gives out hit chance so easily.

Guys guys, remember the good old days where you all used to complain about hunter pets being op and demanding hunter nerfs? Thats how we can tell aggrend let us down.


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Is needed because shamans miss too many hits.