Nerf to shamans possibly?

yes, none of the other classes that dual wield deserve a 10% hit chance stapled on their runes because unlike them, Shamans miss a lot if they don’t have it, you guys

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Ookthar remembers.

man that scorpid pet was somethin else :smirk:

Scorpid pet was a cleric in disguise :slight_smile:

I was a fan of eyes of the beasting my wind serpent

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my hunter friend and I had fun with eyes of the beast with P3 wind serpent as well.

P1 wind serpent was peak comedy though, as funny as shaman defenders.


I didnt know you were friends with Sarthe. I’m the hunter who got Aspect of the Viper book intended. Im a star i was in one of xis videos where xe shows xme with the aspect book.

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it was a Canadian gent I met doing blood moon, we ended up playing a lot from p2-p3. we would get into cheeky shenanigans like killing people inside of Splintertree in Ashenvale, camping the bridge in Feralas while he melded and I was a bush, using invis pots to ambush people we saw leaving grom gol.

haven’t even seen him on battlenet in weeks :cry:

(DOOM music kicks in)…

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paladins dont have 2 stuns moron, we get one stun and an incapacitate which requires 31 talent points into ret which most likely takes away our concecration talent in this level phase

you really dont know anything yet you insist on acting like your some sort of authority on anything here, what a clown

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ummmm so does every other dw class? lol


Peak hunter copium lol

“I actually made the super skilled decision to click this rune, so you see its actually fair”

Sounds like an exaggeration but this was literally them :rofl:

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that is the most academic, and least meaningful rebuttal you could have come up with.

You have two abilities that cause loss of character control on your opponents. The difference between an incapacitate and a stun is academic at best. Its a little less meaningful than the difference between a fear and a horrify, or stealth and invisibility.

Whats more, you claim one of them requires you to spec out of a talent you only use in PVE, as though that impacts PVP at all.

SOD paladin has more in common with the TBC/Wrath pally than it does with the original vanilla pally, and I mained a paladin in TBC and for all of the wrath I played. I know plenty enough to know you are grasping at the flimsiest straws and resorting to insults to shore up what little argument you had. A properly piloted paladin is as formidable as any class in PVP, and its manifestly obvious you dont know how to pilot yours.

so pitiful dude I remember any time pets/rune caught any slight nerf, “but without my pet being an autopiloted drone strike how am I supposed to pway the gaaaaaaame?”

how about this one? :joy:



BLIZZ doent Care!!! Hence this game is DEAD… seriously worst run business…

I don’t see anything I said that made me a hypocrite. Nice try though buddy.