Nerf the following specs/abilities immediately

Reaction time, in combination with awareness and skill is the difference between a mage who is able to CC a fury warrior and a mage that is constantly kept up with by a fury warrior. You cannot have poor reaction time and be great at PvP.

They are weak and soft, i only play bloodthirsty characters

Whatever strokes your ego brother

Uhhh. Alright.

I disagee. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated: It’s really 95% just having a good game plan.

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Show me a single top PvPer who has a piss poor reaction time and I will concede the argument.

How are you going to plan your way our of a 1v4 against players you have no idea who are going to make up the 4 prior to the match starting? PvP interactions are largely an unknown and assumption game. You cannot plan far enough in advanced unless maybe you’re in arenas.

Sir you are replying to a post on the ARENA pvp forum.


He’s a little flustered and forgot where he was, egos are a helluva drug

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Nah, I was browsing over PvP in general.

I’m honestly not even sure he pvps. He’s almost certainly trolling.

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You’ve already proven your bias against warrior. Discredited Troll is discredited.

Browsing but failing to notice where the topic was posted on. Fury war has busted dmg in arena as a fact (there aren’t any valid opposing arguments to a fact fyi).


Pointing out that something is overtuned isn’t bias. And again, I’ve literally piloted warrior to higher xp than you? You dont even have rated arena xp…

I don’t do arenas as much as RBGs, so I can’t say much on the topic of arenas.

No shot you’re saying this about him. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

According to your very limited knowledge.


No thanks, I will continue.

ok, all agree frost mages should be nerfed in 50% in all aspects

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Not because they aren’t broken rn tho

I just like seeing warriors suffer

You have no arena achieves or rating and your rbg lifetime xp is 1300…