Nerf the following specs/abilities immediately

Maybe he means random battlegrounds.

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Peak gameplay

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Least egotistical paladin rper.

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Alt account. Appeal to authority and accomplishment fallacy is strong here.

Oh, this really is the cherry on top.

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“Multiple” NA accounts or EU main

Could go either way

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I don’t get how everybody has an alt account on wow. Even I don’t. Like, why?

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Couldn’t imagine maintaining two separate bnets

2 accounts on 1 bnet is so much easier with all the same benefits

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Because you’re poor.

Ur so mad lmao

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Matey plays a warlock who can spam 1m+ dmg shadow bolts instant cast. But he thinks DKs are bad. You are pathetic.

I got like half a decade worth of game time in gold sitting on this char alone. It’s really, like, what purpose would a secondary or tertiary account serve? :dracthyr_a1:

Whipped out the “you’re poor” line. Astonishing lmao.


I thought it was well established that I’m the only human male ret paladin on moon guard that is worth replying to

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Man, I had a meeting at work, but I was totally going to pre-kick this.


I’m honestly not sure if you’re trolling, or just a player who tried to fotm reroll and is frustrated by your lack of success, but doubling down and “doing a bit” isn’t going to change the fact that fury warrior is overtuned.

Some introspection would do you wonders.

The fact you didnt mention Fury negates your credibility.