Nerf the following specs/abilities immediately

Buff ele shaman; nerf everyone else. K thx

They can also spam MR from like LOS and from far away it’s like it almost has no range lol…

I’m glad I can provide some entertainment XD

To be fair, while I’m addressing their posts, my replies are intended to be for everybody.

Idk this jord guy, and I’m not convinced that Broxikor is actually a human and not just a central nervous system fused to bulging biceps in an evolutionary offshoot pushing homosapiens into orcs. However, I unironically relate to their posts when I started playing pvp.

I got gladiator my first season playing, and then did it again on another, different class the second season and thought I was really good and knew what I was talking about. I didn’t. I had SO many fried and incredibly biased takes. I didn’t even know just how much I didn’t know. I was the dunning krueger effect personified on top of mount stupid. The second I got out of my own way and recognized that, I started to improve a ton as a player, and I hope they’re able to have the same success.

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I think fury is S tier, There is a discussion to be had about how meta comps might counter fury so it despite being very good, doesn’t perform perfect in all content, but it would be hard to argue a lower tier rating. If fury is S tier but every comp plays keep away with a frost mage you won’t see it perform at its S tier lvl, but that’s more an issue with frost mage than it is fury. Basically what I’m getting at is fury’s Comps (TSG comes to mind) crush anything A tier or lower, but lose to most things in its own tier, and everyone plays the highest tier stuff as you climb. Hence mid-low end of the spectrum wants fury nerfs so badly, while higher end narrative is their manageable. So you can’t put fury in a tier that it crushes, so it’s on the low end of its S tier.

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Lets be more precise here then.

In a 100% melee tierlist i agree that Arms and Fury are S tier.
In a tierlist INCLUDING ranged and casters, Fury and arms are A tier.

I just played with Maldiva yesterday, both teams had 2 fury warriors and me as Arms, i outdamage both of them by 40%.

Arms has more cleave, if you beat them in single target in those breakdowns, I’d put that as a skill issue.

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Details syndrome. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: Arms also cleaves more. Fury often lowest on dmg but by far highest prio damage which is usually what matters.

Rend and Deep on secondary targets that gets passively healed isn’t of significance.


This, I’m not beating the Dk I play with in dmg, but you look at prio and I double him.

Yes, arms has more cleave damage due deep wounds and rend with thunderclap.

But what you don’t know is…

Arms has more single target damage than Fury warriors :slight_smile:

Day 541 of trying to convince better Warriors that all fifteen of them are actually wrong. :dracthyr_nod: They will learn.


Lets make a bet.

Pick the best fury warrior you know, 2 minutes on PvP Dummy details, single target.

800k gold

Not beating the allegations by telling on oneself.

My damage is higher both as Colossus and Slayer, i let you choose. 800k. Pick Mud, Bajheera, Magnus.
2 Minute on PvP dummy single target. 800k gold.

It’s starting to come together as to why we’ve been having issues if the answer is really “link logs”.

That’s worse than “come duel”.

I’ll upload on youtube my 2 minutes of single target dps. No screenshots.

inb4: http s://

either the dude is trolling or legit has no idea how to do damage as Fury lmao

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Yeah, Fury by its design is just kind of forced to do considerably more single target than Arms.

Reality: it is opposite, none of you understand how arms works

I have 2 friends who play fury, one returning to the game after years and another whose a casual player but enjoys pvp. I could see brox running into players at their lvl and believing these things about fury as I’ve seen the disparity between higher fury’s and them. While they aren’t the best I’m fairly positive they could reach or are in brox’s “range”.

Nah, it’s that hard… you just don’t know Fury apparently