Nerf the following specs/abilities immediately

This is incorrect.


this is the most accurate tierlist on the internet
this may be one of the few times not a single one warrior will play on AWC, mark my words

Not sure how anyone is arguing against fury needing to be brought down a bit? Primarily playing blitz atm and if I can get a good amount of the enemy team caught in my burst I can setup multiple kill targets easily in a teamfight. Wouldn’t even say I’m having fun with that because it feels like it’s just too much dmg, the spec is just blatantly overpowered.


how about we remove ur aimshot and rapid fire that will save this season of RBG Tool hunters

Alter time isnt the issue with frost, but yes its damage is nuts.

Also, buff fire.

This is the most accurate display of a lack of game knowledge.


i mean anyone that sucks playing an s tier spec will think it isn’t s tier

people don’t invalidate casuals opinions because they look down on them for being casual ; they invalidate their opinions because their world view is often extremely small and focuses on their unfortunately irrelevant experiences


i don’t care what they (2 individuals) think. I don’t even play as fury, you can nerf the s— of them but this would be a mistake.

you could play 1,000,000 games as a warrior and it wouldn’t be worth 22 seconds of a vod if those games are random bgs or duelist solos


Quality > quantity and I think our resident below avg 2k warr and enh shaman have established that 8000 games played in a season on anything doesn’t nesscearily guarantee results or improvement.


It depends on the context.

If 99% doens’t behave like 1% the balance is objectively not working. Example “individual X survival hunter has 2700 rating, therefore survival is fine”

This premise is objectively wrong.

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no it doesn’t


Nah, actively figuring out what’s going wrong >>>> mindlessly throwing body at games.


What are you implying rn king I haven’t read entire thread just the last 3 posts

Oh he said fury isn’t broken he’s coping


Give healers 10k gold per 3+ win shuffle as a real starter. I’ve had 3 shuffles so far, 37 minutes, 26 minutes, and 27 minutes.

Rated pvp is hardly accessible for casuals.

Sitting insanely long queue times kills the game for me more than any spec balance does currently :frowning:

:rofl: when you keep getting 5 people in WDP cringe juggle and you can feel the sneers across the universe instantly. They do not take kindly to that timing in 1900mmr blitz. They’ve gotten used to the tiger sweeps.

This is not an opinion. Theres a reason why this game pvp has the same players for 2 decades.

a) balance team doens’t know what they are doing
b) the intention is not to make the game popular

Why do you post

Orc Broxikor wasn’t afraid of anything
Dwarf Broxikor only whines
Garrosh doesn’t approve

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class X is never suposed to remove 90% of the uptime of class Y, theres nothing that justifies this garbage