Nerf the following specs/abilities immediately

Everyone was so pumped about fury pre-season start. I personally thought arms (my spec) was gonna be okay. However, since season started and compared to how some of these other specs are playing. Warrior in general right now is just “okay.”

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Brother, I play warrior and I’m higher xp on it than both you and brox?? I’ve literally been gladiator xp on it and have played more of my warrior this season in pvp than any class.

I’m playing it and I think it’s broken, what??

You do, because everyone can always play better. You don’t buff rogue because the average player doesnt watch DRs or know how to do a damage rotation.

I think the majority of players get ran down by a fury warriors only pressing W and pveing them.

The leader boards and the streams I linked o.O


survival, affliction and windwalker has more rating than all fury warriors atm, by all i mean 100%.

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Yes, and youre talking about a sample size of 16 unique people in over 5000. Im talking about 15% representation for 1 spec out of 39 in the top 50. I’d look at wider data, but I don’t have an easy way to view it on mobile.

Brox, you’re more than welcome to have your opinion and disagree, but fury is absolutely S tier atm and needs nerfs. So do other classes; it’s not alone, but fury is too strong as well.


I think what these guys are saying is to buff every other caster / healer to the way current frost mage is. Then after that he has a case.

This is what I’m understanding from this.

I will say and I mean no offense.

Watching Nas explain to someone 1/4th his rating and XP with the patience of a saint is what I come to the forums for /popcorn.

jord/brox are both slaughtering noob casters at 1200mmr w key and pve’ing like “i need this, NERF FROST MAGE!!”

Like all they wanna do is zug and that pesky frost mage prevents them from achieving their goal of world conquest.


Come on lmfao

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An empty insult! Do you bite your thumb at me sir?! I challenge thee to a duel! Nay, a game of war if you will. High noon on the sands of Nagrand!

Come prepared for defeat, and without PVP gear if you are a true man of your word and disciple of the Light!

my money is on the rp ret because you rped this

Odin’s ravens! You’re right…it appears I have played myself.

Fury has 9% considering players under 1000 rating.
1800+ everything changes.

Found the fury


The best part about Fury having Bladestorm is its just better as Fury versus Arms, hell yeah!


Puny low T warrior main


ur rlly gonna defend another cringe micro added to the game? why cant we fall down at the speed we fall down when getting knocked up from dispelling flame shock? WW players man, such delusional cringe lords

Also @Eilai am healer main begging for non-disc/pres specs to be buffed up

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that’s kinda rude bro to start name calling bc I have a diff opinion than you. our knock DRs with others unlike certain combos and you can still instant. Most classes just react when I knock them so I can’t follow-up. I get feared, shockwaved, storbolted, blinded, gouged, coiled all day off my own WDP knock but yeah sure bro, it’s a prob.

luckily there’s nothing degenerate in this game like dispelling unstable affliciton accidentally and killing yourself

ngl i would love all of these changes

gj op

I cannot wait to see this TIER S spec in AWC :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

http s://

Bro, are you saying fury isn’t insane?


Tier in respective order of power

Tier S : Frost Mage, Aff Lock, Devoker
Tier A: Elemental, Arms, Fury, Unholy, WW, Spriest, Assassination, Sub, MM hunter, Arcane Mage
Tier B: Demonology, Balance, Destro, Outlaw, Survival, Enhancement, Fire mage
Tier C: BM, Frost DK,