Nerf the following specs/abilities immediately

Just curious. Have you played into a fury warrior as a spec that isn’t frost mage? Please post a video of your gameplay to show us.

They are decent like arms, solid A tier. They are DEFINITELY NOT S tier, i been playing a LOT this exp, fury is popular but not broken.

Nerfing them in their actual state will make the spec not viable at all, everyone will play as arms and i’m dont like playing a popular spec.

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Prove to us that you have and that you had any issue in ANY situation where you are NOT 1v1ing a fury warrior. The burden of proof is on the person making the claim that fury is OP, not just anecdotal.

First time in a century Aff locks being good at something, pls leave us alone :smile:

Like i’ve said, fury is not broken, they are A tier at best.

http s://

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Are you serious???

Watch any of their vods XD

Or go to any pvp stream and they will tell you that fury is busted.

Just because it struggles vs frost mage (everyone does) doesn’t make it not S tier; not every game has a mage in it.

If you want we can 2v2 or 3v3 wargame and ill play my war as fury and you can show me how it’s not op :slight_smile:

Fury absolutely needs nerfs, and linking overall damage in a BG doesn’t mean anything XD

Playing countless times as warrior >>>>>>> watching their vods

A practical and objective calculation made by the game system itself is more valid than an opinion

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You found 2 random streamers, might as well had 2 random people come to the forums and complain.

Just because you have a hard time using your CCs and abilities to best another class, does not mean they need nerfs. You’re at a skill curve, not a class imbalance.

Calling two of the top arena warriors across the whole game as a couple of random forum posters is certainly a take.

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Is there a Troll hiding within that righteous armor? The copium is leaking from every crack and opening.


Nas you can’t argue with the mental illness.

They don’t know how to actually research things


Biased warrior take lol.

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You could D a base as fury warrior and do less damage than a healer and still play correctly and win the BG.

You could also double a rogue+mage’s damage in arena and lose the game because you don’t play well verse the setup.

Damage with no context is a completely useless metric.

You also have little to no experience playing as other classes into fury warrior, though. You need to look beyond your bias, Brox.

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i’m not bias, fury is miserable at shuffles and bgs, defending or attacking.

I don’t see anyone experiencing this issue unless there’s a frost mage in the lobby (in which case it is absolutely miserable, I dont think mage should ever lose to a warrior team)

My bad, I don’t watch streamers often. Even then, just because the top .01% are excelling at their class, that is not a valid argument to nerf. You don’t nerf classes based on how the top minority are fairing, you balance based on how the majority are playing, and the majority are not OP fury warriors, they’re A tier at best.

Let me know when your skill is adequate enough to 1v1 someone who isn’t even in PvP gear. Kthxbye.

Bias against warrior proven, claims of being OP declined.

i’ve already showed 4 in my prints, can you show me a warrior decimating shuffles as a S+ tier class?

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Continuing off this, fury is the highest represented spec in the shuffle leader boards atm as well. Obviously it’s only 2 days in so a very small sample size, but war is 6 of the top 40, 8 of the top 45, and 9 of the top 50 specs; higher than mage, feral, lock, mm, rogue, and unholy dk; all other “op” specs.

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A noob friendly class has more players playing it than classes that require more skill? No way, could have never guessed that /sarcasm.

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