Nerf the following specs/abilities immediately

I noticed the WW knock up triggers binding shot, but your hit box is still on the ground for melee to attack.

Correct. You can combo it with thunderstorm too. It still affects displacement type abilities but also lets you hit.

Functionality is really weird.

What’s weird is it puts them on a knock dr but allows thunderstorm to still knock.

I’ve yet to see an Aug in TWW. Are they dragging games on/no one dies?

They one shot super hard.

Mobility is also on a different level.

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Prob because they shouldn’t have bladestorm.

I have seen only 1 Aug in TWW. It was in a blitz match, and he topped DPS meters by a decent margin. Living flame was his top damage, can’t remember what else. Was pretty nutty.

Can we get ahead of it now and get sub? When sub is too strong you see an uptick in doomsday cult activity and Ulta starts selling eye shadow by the bucket full.

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Demo needs more than a small buff at this point, i’d move it down to bm tier.

tough but fair

Because as long as you’re not going up 1v1 against a warrior, you will come out on top 99.9% of the time. They don’t need nerfs, they need survivability or a buff to self heals.

They do.

They do not.

What makes you think this?

Even if I base it purely off soloq here’s the reality;

I can make a fury warrior go 0-6 super easily because of disarm alone. However when I tell him to just run at the RESTO DRUID to get a win and it works because of the raw damage HE is doing, there’s a problem

not a single miss ngl

I’ve watch affliction locks do the most insane burst damage through my wall. Something is wrong with that spec.

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Fury need nerfs? lmao they are pathetic both on bg and shuffle

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I legitimately think there is a bug with agony. I was playing some w/l/pal yesterday and the warlock agonies were usually ~250k when ramped, but but would sometimes increase in damage as though they were re-snapshotting and went up to a 2mil TICK (non crit).

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Yes. Their damage relative to their survivability and uptime is disproportionately high.

They are not.

They ARE overly hard-countered by frost mage atm, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t need nerfs, especially because mage needs nerfs.


Why did WW even get a knock up. Why are we adding more micro CC in the year of our lord 2024


They do not.

They have no self-sustainability in any situation where they’re not 1v1ing.

Instead of nerfing classes, we should just buff classes. Everyone loves to feel OP, and everyone hates feeling weak.