Nerf starsurge! this is a joke!

False, priests were the absolute best healers and pretty much still are and at the time hunters were too dps although in the case of hunters they deserve top dps contention, but the pet was wrecking scrubs in pvp which causes pitchforks to come out.

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This guy is the embodiment of the Paladin with zero bonus Intellect, yes.


I can post on my doodad, obvious I run one one. makes zero difference to me. Facts.

stargurge is a healer ability? what?

Being right. (Judgebot has a druid =-D )

BROKE: post on your main

WOKE: post on your … alt

YOU: i can post on my Druid if i want to but i dont want to so im not going to

rofl Paladins rofl Alliance


Bring no intelligence to a conversation. You be you. Not woke, laughing @you.

I also used a game genie to unlock a Sergeant title, so you know I have no idea what Level 60 Druid talent trees look like.

hunters were not top dps a week ago when their pets got nerfed, not even close, hunter hasn’t been top dps since before christmas, there’s no shot they needed pve nerfs

Same with priests, resto druid wild growth had been owning them in the hps charts for a month and then they get a -20% on penance and pom, its very obvious its pvp balancing. That’s why all the priests switched to CoH

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imagine being the guy who actually says POST ON YOUR DRUID to a guy clearly posting on a Druid. like that’s some WOULD YOU LIKE FRIES WITH THAT level play, bro.

Not my issue you are a poor player.

you don’t run a druid or you would know.

Buff starsurge blizz.

Druids are already running range and 20% crit damage so this isn’t new for P2.
Also it’s yet to be seen if it works with the stun, although it will be jokes if it does. I say this as those interactions say “most” and currently we already have Wrath interactions that don’t work with Starsurge so this trend will possibly continue with the Starfire stun.
It also sadly has a mana cost even if minimal, which is important because it breaks the 5s rule. :frowning:

That said though I do believe Starsurge is too strong comparatively to the rest of the druid’s kit. I would much rather see it be tuned back in terms of scaling, have a more diverse damage type (it’s supposed to share between Wrath and Starfire but currently gets 0 benefit from Wrath) by adding Nature spell coefficient, and then see the remainder of the balance kit brought up in compensation.

We have to remember that whilst Starsurge is somewhat strong, overall balance druid is performing exceptionally poorly. More power needs to be brought back to balance’s casted abilities, both for PvE, and for PvP (to make them worth casting).

Big doubt. 198 max base damage, 1:1 scaling, and 1.2x crit modifier.
You would need over 262 spell power to do even close to that damage which is more than double the available spell power in BiS gear.

That’s also higher than max damage of the best balance druid parse with Sayge, BFD boon, and Ashenvale banner.

Also yes, I know you weren’t being literal :grin:

Yeah. owed him and and you hard by willing to post on my druid. =-)

Jeddite: Blizzard should swap Omen of Clarity and Insect Swarm for SoD

some Paladin: autistic screeching

Jeddite: No thanks, I’m not a Redditor

some Druid: autistic screeching

You didn’t eve fix you post that I called out for it’s stupidity.

Buff druids.

Edit: druid/pally screeching yet you won’t post on yours. Odd

That swapping Omen of Clarity and Insect Swarm for SoD would also make some Reddit-brain have a meltdown over the Natural Weapons talent is just an added bonus, I guess.

I told you the problem earlier … Natural Weapons

Do you have a problem with reading?

Yeah. I play the class.

Dude said "SoD druid (you where the conversation is relevant) and the other person posted on a level 80 druid in retail which has no relevance.

Not entirely sure what your point was, the guy still hasn’t brought out a SoD druid.
So unless that guy somehow managed to break the game, no only level past the phase level cap, but also exceed the classic game’s actual level 60 level cap, to be able to level a character in SoD to 80. They still haven’t produced a SoD druid at 25 :man_shrugging:

This is going to shock you but Druids existed before SoD so posting on a Level 25 Druid means nothing. You want to pretend it does for reasons, but it doesnt.

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level 80 isnt retail rofl wow are you Judgebot’s retail alt

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