Nerf starsurge! this is a joke!

Then explain why warriors and rogues are aloud to do more damage than pre nerf hunters in pve?

Hunters just got another nerf to the bm rune as the 3rd place dps (now arguably hovering at 4th) which was a 12% overall nerf. As the 3rd ranking dps. While warriors and rogues, the rank 1 and 2, saw no nerfs.

You are delusional if you think they dont do pvp balance, and when they do, it is horrible for pve. Essentially all the hubter nerfs outside of explosive shot was pvp focused nerfs.

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They always have… they have wild strikes and are always top dogs in pve damage.

Yeah because pets were still tanking bosses etc.


It was a damage focused nerf, yes hp got hit, but the focus was on damage.

No, you just dont want to admit starsurge needs a nerf in some form for healthier pvp.

Personally i think the biggest offenders are its range and mana cost, the damage is fine to me.

If i could chose the changes to it i would nerf its range by either lowering its base range, or making it not effected by talents.

The nerf to range will have very minimal pve impact.

Then i would make it cost 10% base mana, but the next 2 damaging casted spells within 7 seconds restores 5% base mana.

What this does. Is make it not essentially free to cast on the first tick of mana regen in pvp if you are being mana burned in some way or just ran oom. And if being focused you likely will not be able to get those 2 casted spells of within 7 seconds, maybe 1 but likely not both between the chaos that is pvp IF the druid isnt turreting, while in pve getting those 2 casts off is easy in most cases.

This means pvp sees a very noticeable nerf to its range, which offers more counterplay vs it, and a nerf to its mana cost if the enemy players are not letting the druid just freecast, which again, is counterplay.

They could even turn this into a pve buff by making those 2 casts restore 6% base mana, which would mean an actual mana regen to it, which while small, helps boomkins mana efficiency.

Deep Wound: bugged, no cost, no button press passive-(everything blizz said they nerfed hunters for)

StarSurge: not bugged, has a mana cost, has a button press-Druids are still behind in dps…buff it

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Swap Omen of Clarity and Insect Swarm – presto!! Druid talent trees still have that janky Level 60 feel that was addressed in TBC, but the most glaring jank has been un-jank’d.

and that helps my druid tank how? Might want to look closer at what natural weapons talents does.

I know what the talent does, good lord why do you people even make such comments outside of Reddit.

so and out right nerf fixes it …did you think your post through?

The real question is did you think your thought through? Good lord.

one us has

one us has

Im not interested in further comment from you, BTW.

go back and rethink what you though. figure out why it is dumb. find a better idea. come back and post it

Like, right here. I realize you dont understand the concept of READ > COMPREHEND > REPLY, but I know what I said and why I said it.

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So yeah, to reiterate – not really interested in your Reddit-ing for my attention.

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post on your sod 25 druid in sod. not hard

Druids are D tier casters. Buff

post on your sod 25 druid in sod. not hard

Druids are D tier casters. Buff

I accept your surrender.

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its pretty obvious that blizzard cares about pvp balance, hunters and priests both got nerfs that were aimed directly at pvp, they weren’t and aren’t overperformers in pve


Why would it be limited to a 25yd range and why would it have a cast time and a CD?

I stuck to my original post. You failed in your initial comment not thinking it through.

You are free to fix your posts.

Reality is buff druids. Blizz has and it was a buff to starsurge.

rofl this guy posting on a Paladin is telling the guy posting on an 80 Druid to post on a Level 25 SoD Druid lmao Paladin players