Nerf starsurge! this is a joke!

Who do you think Gathers is? I said it was me.

Oh sorry, WotLK.
Still not SoD. Again, how is that relevant?

No dude, Iā€™m on your side these others are just something different. I mean the level 80 druid claiming to know what SoD druid is like.

ā€œI have a level 80 druid in a completely different game so I totally know what Iā€™m talking aboutā€

Oh good god. they are al trying to look up my pally/druid. Game breaks when I have used the same name so many times. LOL

how is what relevant why are you gunt-guarding for this guy. bro youā€™re the retail character here.

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Thats the thin

My toons are both sod classic comedy at itā€™s best

Iā€™m just saying your arguments are invalid.
You are claiming something else completely irrelevant to the conversation as being the means to discredit someone else.

Think that one was aimed at me.

I probably have 15 gathers alone. Their not finding the one on wild-growth is a you problem.

You failed. Hard.

Buff druids.

Blizzard should swap Omen of Clarity and Insect Swarm for SoD

Not sure why you are attacking me friend.

As I have said, I was saying the person calling you out was wrong.

Iā€™ve only responded to Vonkreiger, in regards to themselves and Jeddite.

None of my comments are against you.

Natural weapons says omen canā€™t change spots.

You call me out I call you out. I have show a relevant druid. You, not so much.

love the 19/80s postings calling me out. Not working, and wonā€™t since I posted on both.

Sometimes I stun myself with my Prescient-Poasting

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Iā€™ll just let you guys bicker then lol.

You are confusing me with someone else.

<ā€”not Jeddite. Check the name, check the class :sweat_smile:

Hps is not the alpha and omega of healing.

Here is my lvl 25 SoD druid. Hence the name, which as you can see is the same as the Tauren Paladin :grin:

Not the lvl 80 druid, not the Orc.

Then some literal Retail Shaman waddles in, calls me ā€œRetailā€ (I am a Level 80 WoTLK Druid which is literally a Classic character), then wonders how my being a Level 80 Druid is relevant to making changes to SoD (which is literally Level 60 Classic WoW plus Runes) as if I brought up the ā€œPOST ON YOUR MAINā€ sperg-ery.

But to reiterate ā€“ Blizzard should swap Omen of Clarity and Insect Swarm for SoD

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My bad Haavi. I re-read it. Sry.

Iā€™m use to being attacked from all sides.

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Um ā€¦ I can post on many Gathers druid saying you know nothing. In SoD your change makes no sense. I have pointed it out to you clearly. Ooc is a 30 sec proc that means little. The 10% melee and 30 sec proc made it worth getting after. ::druid Life::