literally been getting shot by 2h enchancement shamans. for god sakes how can a shaman even think they need more buffs, this server is a joke
Oh I mean it’s just a wait for AV angle regardless, the honor you get per hour is nutty comparatively
I think as an h pal with the 50% reduction would be a blast! Come 60 they have potential to be bonkers good! Especially paired with a war… GG (depending upon what % damage reduction blizz chooses)
so youre wanting to gut shaman utility and counter play ?
no you wouldnt see that cause youre blind.
i just wanted to respond to this .
if they did go through and gut shaman utility they need to do the same exact thing to pallies so careful what youre asking for.
please explain to me how in a 1v1 situation that this remotely guts counter play? better yet name one class that can both fear and slow you outside of shadow priest which’s slow is a channeled cast? having decoy totem which essentially with 55% movement speed ghost wolf grounding totem tremor totem totemic projection and frost shock on a 6 second cd gives you by far the best gap closing of any class in the entire game other than maybe rogues. all im asking for is that you can’t totem twist tremor with decoy totem which is beyond broken in group pvp.
you’re making these false statements with 0 backing to them other than that they’re edgy. you did this on my forum post too. like please stop. nothing i have said or suggested will gut the class in any shape or form and only fix the broken unitily stacking they have in group pvp which is ruining bgs right now 50% damage reduction or not.
paladins ret does not have nearly the broken power that enhance shaman has been given in sod. literally most if not all of their runes are to improve the damage that they entirely lack in classic except to the extent that they can’t even run a slow avengers shield (which doesn’t even silence like it does in other iterations of the game) or pummel kick to have any decent damage which also are both on the same rune slot.
they move at normal run and walk speed outside of the measily 8% from their talent tree. they have literally nothing. i know i have dualed them and it made me feel embarassed by the absolute terrible state they are in. i don’t think i have dualed a paladin yet and left with less than 75% hp.
the only argument ive seen made about them is but “Oh tHeY HaVe BubBlEs” which both are on a much longer cooldown than anything shaman has and have been in classic era and i can tell you first hand as a ele resto main for the entirity of classic that they are not half of a healer or damage dealer or have half the utility that that class has built in.
the counter to that is so blatantly simple in 1v1 run away from them until it goes away as they have 0 gap close then go back to pushing their crap in. in group pvp literally go damage something else. it is excruciatingly that simple and yet so many of the wow playerbase cannot do that. in classic era the only class they remotely hard counter is rogues which i never had a problem with on my rogue what so ever.
their healing/damage reduction is only single target outside of beacon of light which only provides group healing if its target is actually taking damage and divine sacrifice which requires pally bubble to really use without killing yourself. sure bop can remove physical stuff like fear but whoever is bopped cannot do damage and is on a cooldown that is both placed on the paladin and the person bopped with forbearance where as something like tremor or poison cleanse/disease cleanse work off the global and do all of that without a cd for free and grounding totem with a 15 second cd as well as decoy with only a 20 second cd. that in combination with the utter raw power damage aoe healing and utility that an ele resto has baked in without even the sod changes makes holy paladin laughable at best. the only reason they are remotely strong in classic era is because classic era is an even more heavy damage meta in group pvp than sod has ever been which makes paladins lengthy bubble cds actually worth while though still much worse than any good ele resto worth their salt.
literally everyone arguing about rets or paladins in general not needing buffs/reworks right now in pvp is just excruciately unknowledgeable or bad at wow.
more hollow statements. i have backed literally everything i have said and not a single person has been able to substantially prove what i have said false. don’t you want bg’s to be normalized again? don’t you want all the average bandwagon andies to hop off your class so you can actually have a chance at raid loot?
i wanted that when hunters were busted and im happy they nerfed them to actually having a skill curve with lock and load and i have noticed how all the broken class bandwagoners have fled my class other than the strictly pve melee hunters (as melee hunter is 0 utility trash in pvp) and it is awesome.
you know what all that utility means in a game of 1-3 shots?
a whole lot of not much.
it only really comes into effect when they gut damage by 50% and make all hybrids and healers basically unkillable and fights last way longer than anyone wants.
enh shaman need the grounding totem and decoy totem and tremor totem to even get damage out.
all those things about how pallies have to walk towards the opposition are nearly the same for enh shaman cept we dont have a bubble (dont care that its 5 mins) to mitigate all the damage we have to eat to get in close to people.
and you bet that if we get to someone we should be able to truck them given the hard nature of eating all the damage getting to someone.
you talk about 4 + shaman teams and never have thought about 4+ pally teams or teams with 4+ shadow priests or any number of other class stacking things that unbalance pvp matchups.
i can go on but i am tired of arguing a point with someone so jaded they cant see the forest for the trees .
I would rather shamans be removed from the game than be given to Alliance.
you get a stamina buff in pvp even without the damage reduction that actively prevents that. even with a fully loaded chimera i can’t 2-3 global any class. also tons of classes have utility that also prevents this. classic era on the other hand is a game of 1-3 shots even in r14 tanky gear which is where holy paladin is strong but they don’t have nearly the utility they have in sod all their heals are single targets. all they are are warrior pocket holders. shamans on the otherhand have loads and loads and loads of utility in classic era which is a huge reason why horde has always been the desired pvp faction outside of orc racial.
this definitely does have an effect on things with hybrid classes outside of paladins which are hilariously gimped in sod however shamans are one of the classes that do insanely heavy burst damage to the extent that they 1-2 global people without the bg health buffs so 50% damage reduction bg health buff or world pvp they’re still very very strong and id argue they are the most busted without the health buffs or damage reductions because they straight up 100-0 people in 2 globals more than any other class i have witnessed. you can go look it up on youtube there are lots of shaman plebs posting videos of them obliterating people in world pvp lol.
4+ paladin teams you mean like hpals with divine sacrifice? paladins come down to pretty much one 5 minute bubble cooldown in combination with divine sacrifice. ret has borderline 0 utility as i have explained already. if all of your healers are paladins then you are missing out on a ton of utility from priests and if they are not then you just have an all healer comp with 0 damage as holy paladins do 0 damage in pvp. even if you had maybe 2 holy paladins cordinating their bubble/sac the very easy counter to this is forcing the other paladin that isnt currently bubble/sac’d to bubble and boom you cut the potential for that ability in half.
i think what you’re thinking of is classic era pugs where there are derp warriors running around with pocket hpals which i agree can be one of the most annoying things ive experienced in wow lol though that is classic era and id argue ele resto is still much stronger.
its just because i’m right about this. if i wasn’t right about this nor if it wasn’t such a blatant issue in bgs right now i would not be posting anything. if enhance shaman destroyed me in every 1v1 yet were just a counter and relatively balanced you wouldn’t see me here posting about them. i don’t think i once made a post about how busted soul link locks or frost mages were in all of classic era because even they do not hold a candle to how gamebreaking shaman stacking in sod is.
like im posting for the sake of the game because something like this is and will cause sod poppulation to plummet if it is not fixed. thats what im concerned with not if a shaman can beat me in a 1v1 or anything of that nature im concerned with player poppulation as a battle grounds a big portion of end game are not fun at all with this issue and the player poppulation of sod will drop if nothing is done about it.
Sake of the game? its already a zombie walking off a cliff. Incursions killed it
Is Squirtgun a Semicasual alt? He writes the same type novels in every post.
He lists every ability shaman possess as somehow game breakingly OP. I get dizzy reading his drivel.
We can look at this as fanfiction and the Shamans are the new bringers of the end times!
You know Azeroth fighting back against climate change!
yea the shift to incursions over gdkps in combination with having crafting professions make bop items as opposed to boe items definitely has shafted the economy. what the devs don’t realize is that the issue is not gkdps or gold inflation or anything of that nature the issue is strictly botting. the bots now just bot incursions and summoning portals as opposed to only botting gathering materials.
people who don’t understand the classic era economy think gdkps are terrible when really they’re literally the only unbottable form of gold making in the game and inflation is terrible when really it is healthy for the game economy. the way in which you combat inflation is through a gathering professions or coming as a carry in gdkps as because herbs and gdkp services still retain value through inflation the only ways they don’t retain value as much is when they are botted out.
the nice thing about incursions is that they have blatantly exposed the real issue with classic era and sod which is the botting and hopefully now the devs will understand the only way to truly combat the botting is structuring gold making to be centric around things that botters cannot efficiently bot being raids through gdkp and potentially pvp (if they are clever enough to implement this in a way bots cannot effectively bot it). that’s literally the only way to combat it other than actively trying to do so which is very difficult on its own.
can’t trade 1k gold for rmt? use the auction house to do so or create and collapse guild banks as if rmt tents. getting rid of gdkps has done nothing to prevent anything rather just make botting and rmt even more out of hand.
should make a forum post about this honestly. though im sure it will be raided by 1000 idiots who do not understand the classic wow economy.
this is the way. leave 0 margin for error or any edge to cling to with a rebuttal. end the argument immediately.
NERF. take away shaman’s offensive debuff. Each alliance should only have ONE class that can do it.
NERF SHAMANS. Whenever i use guards at Ash turn in I always target the shamans. At least I get about 8 deaths on them and they finally log, leave or layer hop.
A class that has the following:
- Purge
- Fear removal
- Poison removal
- Ranged slow
- Totem that slows
- Insane mana regen
- Instant heals
- Grounding totem
- Movement speed increas
- Melee and ranged attacks
- Passive damaging totems
Should never be this broken with damage. Am i missing anything? Paladins have bubble, that has been the argument. Paladins do nowhere near the damage as shamans.
You are openly admitting to abusing a game mechanic to grief players. You deserve to be banned.
paladin has this in the form of cleanse as well as the mobile tremor totem rune.
sure . you mean the ranged slow that drs itself and can be easily dispelled by a paladin and a priest?
or you mean the totem that we can push towards you but at the cost of being in range of our grounding totem and tremor totem?
the instant heals require building up stacks of malestrom charges (can be dispelled by a priest btw).
i see you found the movement speed increase so funny you couldnt bother to spell it all the way out.
i too found it funny.
yes melee and short range shocks and long range (30 yards) . so what?
passive damage totems that are all but useless for anything other than popping rogues out of stealth with a quick magma totem .
btw all our totems have like 5 hp and die instantly to any attack ever (edit to add: dots are not able to hit totems btw).
yes. you are missing alot.
most notably with the current meta being 1-3 shots and the fact that shaman have no charge/shadowstep/stealth/ect to get to a target and have to eat all that damage going toward a target to get to them to try and kill them.
but ya nerf paladins.
They never recovered from P2.
Phase Two Shaman Disorder.
Party… not raid.
I highly disagree. As soon as you CC a shaman, it’s gg for them. I know because I play a shaman.
FOTM shaman triggered.