Shaman’s have destroyed PVP. Shamans have destroyed AB. Already the map is favored to Horde. Alliance can actually win with the damage reduction. Most Horde teams have 6-10 shamans on them.

At the very least, limit a team to 2 shamans. The best option would be to bring in “A skirmish has broken out.” Just have horde v horde bg’s.

It depends on what you do with the damage reduction. Shamans are manageable at AB with the reduced damage. But should NOT be getting this incoming buff? WHY are you favoring this Horde only class. I’m exalted in both WSG and AB and never go. I did go with the damage reduction and it was playable. I’ll see if you leave this in place. If not, why not just bring in “skirmishes”.

You are favoring a class that is only available on ONE faction. And Horde ask “why don’t Alliance win?” I won 60% over the weekend and all fights were close with only one game of Alliance giving up. You change this and it will go back to every single game being toxic.

At the very LEAST NERF SHAMANS at least 50%. Shamans should not have the ability to debuff. Horde has 2 classes that can do this. Take this ability away from Shamans. Make this fair and only let Priests do offensive debuffing.


theres this strat that alliance have been doing that is pretty much 80% win rate.
rush farm.


Shaman arrogance must be punished. The elements can’t be swindled or bargained with.


Don’t give away our secrets please.

Rush farm and fight roads are our only hope.


I had someone trash talking me in AB because I failed to win a 3 v 1 at LM.

Then I immediately snipe Farm afterwards because Horde sends every single person they have no matter how much HP they have into BS or LM.

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Wow, it really is like I’m playing in 2007!


Fixed that for you. I just grinded out 110k honor for rank 7 in AB over the DR weekend, and the paladin priest spam is unbelievable. You can’t kill anything, and when it looks like your random team mates actually managed to focus someone down, bubbles say no.


100% this right here

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So you won over half your matches and all of them but one were close, but horde/shamans need nerfed? Sounds balanced if not in alliance favor.


You see so many holy paladins because ret is, as usual, garbaggio right now.

I did 110k this week on an alt and guess how many resto shamans I saw? Literally one lol. They’re ALL enhance.


Shaman derangement syndrome is strong today.


Over the weekend is with the 50% damage nerf.

But the map really is favorable to Horde going to BS. The only time this evened out was when DK’s came and had Path of Frost and we cold all rush across the water.

Yes, you could win with 50% damage reduction because this nerfed Shamans 50%.

I still contend that Shamans do NOT need an offensive dispell. This gives HORDE 2 classes that can offensively dispell and Alliance only has ONE. Remove this ability from Shamans. OR give Shamans and Paladins for both sides.

Alliance has a chance and I won quite a few games last night. Around 50%. But if damage reduction goes away, Shamans will go back to dominating.

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If your looking for good PVP Cata is the game for you IMO. Sure it has its problems but Cata and MOP are second to none when it comes to good balanced PVP


PvPed the entire weekend, got around 120k honor. Not one single team had more than 3 shamans, myself included.

So you won a majority of the games, but you are still complaining?

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As long as Shamans and Paladins are faction specific there should be no point in time in which either is excessively strong. I have no clue how the Shaman main devs have gotten away with it for this long.


Delete bubble boys and I’ll delete my shaman.

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Yes, its completely unfair that we paladins restore ~50% more mana to the raid, can stun, can bubble and cleanse magic abilities.



I’ll be honest I was trolling mostly. Until yesterday when a completely oom shaman survived a 1v2 and almost won. im out here dodging shocks and this brainless cat is just lohing with no mana. Cats have infinite lay on hands and you’re defending it. Only person deranged is you

This is absolutely false. Running/riding in a line straight to Stables leads to a cap 6 seconds faster than the same for Farm. Just watch the timers at the start of the game, unless you think Horde just does a loop around the farmhouse for fun before clicking on the flag. Also, Stables is much harder to capture from Alliance because as soon as you res, you just strafe a little in either direction and you’re in LoS of the flag and in range to attack. For Farm, we have a much longer run to the flag and the farmhouse blocking the flag entirely.

Shamans were way stronger during DR and viper sting meta though? They are a lot easier to deal with when you can kill them.