Nerf Shamans : Lava burst should not get 100% crit from Flame shock

I’m not defending the 6 target FS. (I know that’s oppressive in BGs)
I only point out that it’s because 5% Power surge with fewer than that is just a dead rune.

Let’s talk from the perspective of it being a 3-4 spread and 10-15% proc.

maybe slightly less but come on, it trucks people. it literally crits harder than anything I have in a 30% magic reduction meta lmao.

last time I played I was getting maybe 650-700 exorcism crits, WITH sheath of light up.

I know it crits for 800+, sometimes around 900 give or take, in the current 30% DR. any class in the game with that kind of cleave that ALSO puts a dot on each of the 5 targets it hits would be broken.

divine storm PRE damage reduction was critting for like 700+ish, is a 10 second cooldown, and hits 4 targets in 8 yard range and doesn’t put a dot on them. the same divine storm everybody cried about in phase one. now it’s even worse, I stopped running it as soon as I started BG grinding early phase 3 so I have no idea what it even hits for in the current DR.

3 targets total, up to 15% for power surge…but something’s gotta give spell power wise or up front damage wise

They already have to choose between glass cannon and survival. (Can’t have WoE and the 200 SP at the same time.)

So if the Shammy is smacking you for a 700SP FS crit, they’re glass- very likely in Clothie gear for that much SP

(Mine crit for 500ish PvE and 350-400 in PvP in r7 gear)

mail+shield = / = glass dude, you have more armor than I do with a 2h and like half my damage was also hit with the hardest DR

Shocks hit too hard even in Era… but if they get nerf then at least remove the cd from them and up the mana cost. Before people say “put that will be OP”… I mean remove the cd from the other shocks. Using one shouldn’t put the other two on CD. =)

If they’re hitting you for 700+ FS crit in PvP then they’re wearing cloth/leather

Im in full pvp r7 gear and caster one hander from Gnomer. I am getting 1k FS. =(

Thats predamage nerf btw.

I am pretty sure this was in the current DR

Idk how 6 people with full immunity cant just backline fist the healers/ranged dps and/or defend flat swap flags all day.

Those videos can be very misleading… thousands of hours of play cut down in 4m video.

I wont deny the damage ele’s can put out. I have gotten 1k FS and 2.8k LB (with zerker). But its not every game like that.

yeah I was just showing dude is wearing r7 gear and crits 833 FS on some guy at alliance GY

That’s without the PvP damage reduction.

(That’s what I’m hitting for in PvE with WoE and r7, you’ll note he does not have the burn rune buff, he’s running WoE)

Video is 21+ days old and the only PvP damage reduction we have older than that is the 50% weekend which wouldn’t jive with doing r7 PvE numbers in BGs.

Those are crits…and high. If you are going to be disingenuous at least be reasonable.

  1. It only lasts for 10 secs every 5 minutes.
  2. That assumes they won’t straight up start retreating further into their backfield.
  3. It requires more aggressive play than is typical for Alliance or a pre-made for coordination.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to see that happening more often. I just didn’t see it at all on my rank 7 journey with this toon, my hunter, or my druid.

There’s lots of issues with the Alliance side in CS group. Paladin/Shaman dynamics aside.

Obviously they are crits. You arent getting those high numbers w/o em. Duh!

If a slow gives you a 50% speed advantage, how does that differ in relative terms than acquiring a 50% speed boost as you put it? You have the same relative speed advantage.

Thats a strict 1v1 matchup, and its still not a hard CC.

how does he hit multiple people with fs in the video then?

He could be running WoE and run Burn just wont get the SP buff if he is using rockbiter.

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