Nerf Shamans : Lava burst should not get 100% crit from Flame shock

ah ok so that’s 833 crits without even getting the 200 sp buff lmao sick game.

good thing they gave that rune 200 sp to help them not lose too much damage to counteract the DR, it’s like you get to have the DR benefits of WoE and do comparable damage to pre DR!

I’m starting to think Stormwolf and Zumer are the same person like Lighbwithu and Ookthar


That looks so hard to do! Have to cast flameshock and then jump around waiting for a lava burst. Truly innovative gameplay.

Cant wait for 50, keen to queue up some battlegrounds

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rumor has it as soon as you step into flame shock range, you may get instantly disenchanted and turned into illusion dust, so watch out for that

Dont worry my spacebar key is working as intended. Ive learnt everything i know off stormwolf

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After a statement like this, you cant take anything else he says as not being bias. 60-75% win rate like it was in classic era.

There is no way alliance are winning 25% - 40% of your bgs, that would imply 2.5 - 4 alliance wins for every 10 you queue which just isnt happening. Era was no where near this lopsided.

On Era I won a hell of a lot more bgs then I lost on alliance side. Especially AV… but we all know AV is Alliance favorite bg. No pvp involved. lol

ele with burn rune is hella OP. I have now like 430 SP in my pvp gear with these juicy caster gear buffs. Im kind of owning. Sdly queues dead.

Yes very telling, in a time where every other class has dropped in numbers theres 1 class that has gained. I wonder why that is? Wouldnt be because they are currently overtuned?


we need Gnome Shamans!

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Flameshock should spread to 1 additional player every tick, capping out at 5. The duration when spread will be equal to the remaining debuff time on the source.

9 9
6 6 6 6
3 3 3 3 3

So the maximum percentage has a ramp up. A shaman can only have 1 active at a time. Casting flameshock before all the debuffs from the previous flameshock have expired causes all the old ones to be instantly dispelled.

Also delete the free 200 spell power, and way of the earth reduces damage dealt by 30%.

I think a guy who posts weekly shaman op threads doesn’t get the benefit of being taken seriously.

So basically destroy tank shamans?..

He makes weekly posts about how his pet hate class needs to be nerfed. He’s not going to make reasonable suggestions, he’s just going to ask for shamans to be deleted. He doesnt care how, just as long as the people he thinks play the game wrong get punished.

pretty ridiculous ele can run the tank rune with 0 penalties other than not having shammy rage+spell power from flametongue though. that dude Wizzleflaps or whatever his name is, the guy in that video with the 2 rogues failing to kill him, runs WotE in PVP. that is such a crazy high stat budget for one rune, like pretty much all shaman runes.

shaman wants to tank? here have free boss crit immunity on the house in addition to 30% more HP and 10% DR
shaman wants to dual wield enhance? have 10% hit chance on us, definitely fair to rogues and fury warriors

then of course the burn rune lol

ya’ll really must have a dev maining your class staying out of the spotlight.

I think make it to where you deal 10% less damage (like defensive stance) and increase threat generation by like 50% more than it currently is using WotE.

this is more a suggestion than a necessity though, the main thing about ele being brokenly oppressive is flame shock spread

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Lets also give them instant heals and no punishment for mana return! Maybe lets throw them a freedom totem aswell. Chance to instant cast their highest burst? No problem. Lets let them dot 6 people at once with 1 global while giving them 200 SP, sure why not. Lock it behind 1 faction causing a huge imbalance in BGs so that they die after 2 weeks? Perfect.


I get hating on ele sham, but hating on tank shams?

When was the last time a tank sham killed you in pvp?

We already have threat issues because of how little damage we do. Running alpha is basically a necessity to make up for it.

eh I re edited my post again to say it isn’t exactly a necessity, but just saying it is silly that an ele can slap it on and only give up the already crazy spell power buff just to be tankier in PVP.

trade your 20% DR/mana regen CD for 10% extra passive DR the whole game, and 6% crit reduction (not to be the selfish guy, but some classes rely on crit fairly heavily, mine being one of them. I’m waiting 15 seconds for exorcism if I don’t crit before it comes back, and that’s what a majority of my runes have been designed around)

some ele sham be like “but we’re glass cannons without it!” like they aren’t wearing mail armor+a shield having more armor than I do with plate and a 2h weapon.

I really do think burn rune nerf is the biggest necessity though.

and give both factions paladin/shaman

what if we made the freedom totem also be a physical version of grounding totem?

Then make it so you cant actively have burn and WoE.

Nerfing WoE would only kill tank shamans. We already have mana issues because we cant run shamanistic rage and WoE and only get mana return if we actively block.

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