Nerf Shamans : Lava burst should not get 100% crit from Flame shock

Tf does that mean lmao

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man idk lmao was just saying some zoomer nonsense

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Indeed, it’s also the nexus point for BS access for alliance. (BS Bridge on alliance side)

That’s why I point to AB as horde favored.

Yeah, horde are not immune to the “you’re all bad, GG go next”

I call it the “Shaman Boogieman” effect.
Getting run over by 5 Mages “well that’s just organized mages, of course they win!”
Getting run over by 5 Shamans “Shamans OP!”

(Incidentally, I’ve been run over by 5 paladins… I just called it a cheese group.)

In my last few in getting exalted AB, I had noticed pouring on all the speed (carrot, mithril spurs, etc…) to get that edge on starting the flag at BS, only to find that literally all of the alliance went GM and LM.

That was a guaranteed loss since we just went onto Stables. (I’ve won games with ST/BS/Farm…which feels weird…but it be weird times in SoD.)

I think that would be fine, 15% power surge proc chance in exchange for no FS spread sounds like it would be a fair compromise tbh, it would be a solid buff for solo play, and not be reliant on spread, and also be way less oppressive for our side, because no other class spreads dots with 1 global, it’s crazy when there’s 2 ele

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At this point if it gets us p4…f’it…nerf shamans.

And shadow priests.

If it had no spread, it would need to be more like 25 or 30%.

Proc chance goes off every 3 seconds… (And can’t be made to go faster.)


I mean some people want yall gutted but me personally and most reasonable people think

-remove FS spread from burn
-penalize MSW healing

that’s it GG shaman needs no other nerfs, enjoy your class, storm, earth, and fire and all that

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/shake deal. I think that’s ok too. you’ll be strong but not overwhelming to a team just by having 2 of you

You have to go all the way around to get back up the gully. If you’re running down from BS, you can jump and take the damage; however, coming from GM it’s a slog no matter which way you go (cutting across the water or the bridge.)

I feel GM stays Alliance mostly because Horde doesn’t want to deal with that liability of trying to hold it and get trapped down there.

I’ve said in chat more than once “Let’s take LM while they’re stuck down in GM” when it has been overran.


Don’t think I’m oblivious to you being able to completely turn it off with the only friendly dispel outside of priests. (With it having a shared CD to cast in the first place.)


Its mostly Zumer, surprised he hasnt posted his daily nerf shamans thread yet.

But yes I would be fine with reducing FS spread from burn.

And you have to be careful with nerfing MS procs cuz without it enhance is basically a melee glass cannon.

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oh yeah for sure :wink: but it really feels bad trying to help my teammates who all have multiple applications of flameshock on each one of them from the crazy spread

they could give it an ICD with no nerfs to it then and also give us AoW flash of light on the same ICD

That’s why I’m for a 3 spread with a 10-15% chance to proc Power Surge.

(Same relative effect for getting the Power Surge, less oppressive AoE (without being AoE) damage in PvP)

It’s almost impossible with the spread… I even setup a weak aura to alert for it.

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yeah no it’s wayyyy to detracting, if you don’t cleanse it, you’re wrong, but at the same time, it takes 2 people almost 4 seconds to cleanse 1 shamans flame shock on the group.

I think remove the spread completely (in PVP, leave it in PVE, I know you guys need it) and buff power surge to like 25-30%

the dot classes in the game don’t get to spread their dots in one global

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It’s also on a CD. (Also, all 3 Shocks could be purged by a single Paladin before the CD is back up.)

So one Paladin/Priest turns off all Elemental Shamans? Not quite…

None of them have a shared 6 second CD on their Dots, either. (ANd they all have 30+ yard range and significantly more damage.)

And, all of them have CCs.

VP has a 6 second CD, that applies only to it. (And it s LOT more damage than Flameshock))

VP doesn’t have an initial hit of extra burst or spread. the spread would be fine at 2-3, if it also didn’t hit like earth shock up front. you basically have earth shock cleave that also puts a dot on people every 6 seconds

also I was talking about how it currently is, at 5 target spread. 7.5 seconds from a single paladin to cleanse a 6 second cooldown

It doesn’t hit like Earth shock.

Even at double damage, it’s still less than Earth shock/Frost Shock.