Nerf Shamans : Lava burst should not get 100% crit from Flame shock

the spell itself is already overtuned damage wise, its a 1.5 second cast, and can also be insta casted off procs, it doesnt need 100% crit chance from simply applying Flame shock.


Ele Shamans have no hard CC, no speed boost that doesnt involve a cast bar, and are required to keep their worst shock on cooldown. If you let them free cast on you, you deserve to lose.


no speed boost? use totem projection/earthbind and umm… ghost wolf gives you a constant speed boost if being kited

You can global people with spaming powerful instant cast spells, that may aswell be superior CC

Also you guys get not only just Grounding totem, but also tremor totem and now decoy totem which makes u virtually unCCable especially if u use pvp trinket


dont forget we got frost shock too, theres really no case where shamans need to worry about zoning or being kited


earthbind is a slow. not a speed boost. You know those arent the same thing. so dont pretend they are.

Ghost wolf has a cast bar, its not a sprint or a charge, its not like nitro boosters. You can interrupt it.

dont forget we got frost shock too

Shocks share a cooldown.

Every class in SOD is doing more damage than they otherwise would. This is a simple case of someone killed you and instead of figuring out why you died and what you have to do to stop that, you’re posting about how they should be nerfed.


dude shocks are as low as a 5 sec cool down, u dont need speed if u can slow people down not to mention ghost wolf and we can become immune to slows with our decoy totem here, these arguments are kinda silly


6 seconds counts as a CD to you? i swear discussing balance with shamans is like talking to 5 year olds


I play a warrior.

hiding behind your non sod char? what a clown

that’s not an argument. bye.


I think it’s fine that they have access to instant burst, the 100% crit is fine but flame shock spreading to 5 people in one global in a team fight is busted. it’s impossible to cleanse team before 5 more applications can go out and each application is 5% more chance for instant LB every tick pretty much guaranteeing that when it comes off CD it’s instant as long as there are multiple people around


i do think 100% is kinda insane considering how it does have all those other features. Maybe a better direction at least for pvp and making it work in pve a bit better is to let it gain stacks on each cast instead of give it a 100% chance right off the bat

People are shocked that the only class without stuns, fears, incaps, or roots has a lot of damage.

More at 11.


Moron Gaslighter shares bad take at 11 conveniently neglects that shamans literally have answers to not having stuns, fears, incaps, roots thru overtuned support thru totems while being able to global people which is better then any form of CC in the first place


wish us paladins had somthing that reliably gives our far weaker attacks a 100% chance to crit :frowning:

i guess we get fanatacism but eh its only for our spells (which again, are far weaker)


we both play warrior. we can charge, interrupt, slow, and fear, and otherwise deadzone shamans to death. If you’re getting picked off at range its because you are letting them pick you off at range.

You can make the same argument about how rogues can perma stun people down, but people dont because its not vogue right now. Hating on shamans is the popular take so thats why we get 15 different threads a day on it.


I agree with gurmaq, give alliance Clerics. Clerics have an ability that converts all fire damage from flameshock into a stacking debuff on the shaman. if the debuff is not removed in time by an opposing paladin, the shaman gets deleted from the character select screen.


LMAO too much damage he says. It does less damage than a Lightning Bolt crit. If you don’t believe that, just know that Lava Burst is a 2 second cast time spell, and Lightning Bolt is a 3 second cast time spell. That means Lightning Bolt scales better with spell power.

Lava Burst is only good if it is a crit. If a Lava Burst crits for 1000, a lightning bolt crits for 1200.


sounds like a you problem my suggestion is workaround it and it Git gud. cause if paladin become a unstable Over power class then why

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yes brokenpc, “then why” indeed

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