Nerf Shamans : Lava burst should not get 100% crit from Flame shock

this guy quotes these stats like it’s a gotcha all the time lmao

Yeah, it’s just not relevant to the discussion.

I feel the Paladin is a better PVE class while the Shaman a better PVP. I don’t know how they could fix that for Classic outside of just merging the battlegrounds or giving both factions access to both classes.

I’d play a Dorf Shaman…

I was talking about in general… There will always be a FoTM class. I think blizzard does it on purpose so that people will continue to sub and play/level other characters.

I only have a problem with FoTM classes when they’re faction specific…

It is what it is, but it really screws everything up when only one faction has access to them.


I can’t argue with that and I have said Enh was OP and the spread part of Burn rune is OP for Eles. But, part of the issue is other classes suck Buff Mages (I have mine at lv40 and would play one 100% if they were fun), Warriors and tweak Locks (cuz they arent too bad, just a terrible play style).

Nerf the Burn rune for PvP and Buff other classes would help alot. =)

I would like to see horde paladins and alliance shamans and I think it was a serious mistake not to do it in the first place.

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paladin has raidwide blessings, shaman has more offensive power in PVE (well, enhancement in PVE, ele is the king shaman spec in pvp, but that doesn’t mean enhance isn’t crazy strong as well).

I’d also alt a dorf sham

You need to add “group pvp”. =) They arent so bad 1v1 (against equally skilled and geared people). Not ur normal keyboard turner on those videos.


It’s not a slight advantage.
GM can only be effectively left by going half way to Farm or Stables
GM can only see incoming pushes once they’re over the hill (which is about 10 seconds away from the flag) It would have to be told that it has incoming, which BS can’t see from the flag.
GM is the easier base for alliance to defend since BS to GM is a bridge and a cliff as opposed to a river hop for trying to defend LM.

LM can see everything except the GM base itself.
LM can call incomings for Farm, BS, and itself literally as the alliance leaves Stables, or as soon as they come up over the hill from GM (which isn’t a common staging area…for good reason.)
LM can be defended by Farm or Stables from the BS bridge.

There’s a reason that the high ground is paramount consideration in battle. (And being the ‘bottomest’ ground is to be avoided.

It’s not a “slight” advantage.

Technically possible, but unlikely due to LM’s observation advantage and horde priority, and considerably harder to hold given how vulnerable the farm is to the Horde grave yard.
I’ve seen it happen a handful of time, but Farm always gets taken back as long as the horde doesn’t just give up because “gg go next…”

In general, no I wouldn’t consider Horde any better skilled over alliance at large.

The Paladins however…
Almost every single game there was a comment asking why there’s always 4 or more alliance on ST. (And it’s most or all Paladins waiting for their bubble to come back up for their next 12 second ride.)
I’ve been completely annihilated by a Paladin on my Shaman, completely out kitted. (Not a whole lot to do while stunned and beat up, then incapped while their CDs recycled into some more armor/resistance ignoring burst damage.)
That’s not the norm, most Paladins just charge into the backline “IMMM HEEELLLPPPPINNNNGGGG” then Bubble and go ham for a bit longer before dying and AFKing, but its in their kit for Paladins to use.

That’s because it’s the only stats we have to indicate numbers of players playing a class.
Infinitely more valuable than the “Shammies stole my lunch, they win everything” anecdotes.

It’s also an absolute rebuttal to “Shamans are OP FOTM” when while they’re “FOTM” and still only 16% more of them compared to their faction locked counterpart…

(And I have an alt Paladin on a second account. I just don’t play it much since it can’t support/interact with my main.)

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Yeah, I’m always thinking Group PVP when talking WoW. 1/1 only happens truly in duels and even then it’s limited.

i’m not even sure why players even focus on 1/1 pvp in WoW Classic.

yes true, in the open world it’s on like donkey kong. you’re right, and that is a distinction worth noting.

but at least you acknowledge it’s crazy in a group setting. we both agree with the solution to ele.

I don’t want to see them gutted or more done than necessary, the only thing we think is debatable is the amount of spell power from burn rune. but flame shock spread is oppressive in BG

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Because it’s a large portion of PvP on PvP realms.

It’s not a concern on Normal realms.

If they’re getting the 200SP, then they don’t have WoE and are glass like Enhance.

The only thing I can agree with is the 6 targets for FS- that should probably either be set to 4, or have it spread when being hit by a Lavaburst.

it does too much frontloaded cleave as well, I don’t think they should get a dot spread in one global, especially one that hits like earth shock with the rune buffing it, and ups your proc chance per target for instant lava bursts. I feel like they should either

-remove the spread component
-remove the 100% damage and spell power buff

but all of it together is way too much

there is 2 possible things that can happenit stuns or it resists!

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the fact people are still PvPing in SoD is astonishing honestly

GM is a trap for both sides.

It’s too hard to get out of and to any other point.

Most Alliance wins I see are either taking the Farm>BS>LM easy to rotate points, or the harder GM>ST>LM; which, I’m not even sure how we win those as that’s the hardest rotation. I chalk it up to Horde falling apart.

As for the Paladin’s bubbling then afking at stables. It’s a lot of Alliance unfortunately, it’s not waiting for the bubble, it’s an utter demoralization of the Alliance side in BG’s.

It’s quite sad… I literally have every other game where Alliance players believe it’s impossible to take Blacksmith. Lots of early quiters and doom in the chat…

It has the spread because the Power Surge is a 5% proc… which is kind of awful with onle 1-3 chances every 3 seconds.)

I could see it being dropped down to 3 with a 10-15% Power Surge proc chance instead of 5%. (Otherwise power surge is a dead rune)

I enjoy turning around ganks and beating classes I have no business beating. I enjoy small skirmishes, I enjoy pvp’n at STV, BRM.

In vanilla I had a twinked out lv39 feral druid and with my friend had a twink lv39 rogue we use to gank 60’s in BRM. Oh, the good old days. heh

I have said it before… they can nerf the Burn rune but will have to buff power surge 5% is too low.

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