Nerf Shamans : Lava burst should not get 100% crit from Flame shock

War stomp has a cast bar and berserking isn’t a stun.

You not understanding how to play the game does not mean everyone else has to sink to your level.

weak argument following a desperate resort to ad hominem,

get out of here kid

War stomp is a 2 second stun (with a half second cast) on a 2 minute cooldown that is race restricted and in order to get access to the OTHER “OP” racial you say breaks shamans (but is not a stun) you have to give up war stomp.

Repentance and Hammer of Justice both have half the cooldown, longer durations, and no cast bar, and you can get both of them.

You’re grasping at straws and then projecting because you got called.

it may aswell be 50% because either it works, or it doesnt

I dont think thats how math works

50% of the time she is wrong 100% of the time.

60% of the time, works every time :sunglasses: :black_cat:

she just needs to be a WARRIOR

An army for freedom?

The orc racial doesn’t work if you are the one playing as orc. This is a known bug.


best we can do is make sure efflorescence stops displaying immune on totems


This post hurts my head. Thats like saying all warriors have CC immunity because of gnomes…


Well thats RNG. Sometimes you win sometimes you lose, but back to topic of Shaman vs Rogue…Shaman get no passive stun resist bonus, that would be an Orc racial and not specific to the class.

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Not too bad when you can just kill people lol

yes. thats the tradeoff. In exchange for not having any hard CCs you get lots of damage.

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yes I know, I was responding to an orc shaman

its even better because he’s wailing about how war stomp breaks shamans, but also berserking; racial abilities you cant have at the same time. Either you have one of the weakest stuns in the game or you have a strong haste CD and no hard CC. Full stop.

Eh, it’s time to disengage from them. (Especially Zumer, that gnome is touched in the head.)

It’s very clear they’re only interested in Shamans being victims, and they’re hiding behind retnoobs that do the 12 second bubble charge and AFK at ST as some sort of cause for imbalance…

It’s telling that when Pallies were OP and Shamans were garbo (phase 1), that there were 400,000 Ret Paladins to 140,000 total DPS shamans. (260%)*
*And now with Shamans being the all powerful boogieman, there’s still only 120,000 DPS shamans to 80,000 Ret Paladins, (50%) and 30,000 Prot Paladins to 15,000 Tank Shamans. (100%)

150,000 Paladin Parses all in
175,000 Shaman Parses all in

That dumb gnome is probably convinced that the Elemental Shaman hit him with a Lava Burst and finished him off with a Lava Lash/Molten Blast combo…



Shaman hate has nothing to do with PVE. I’m not sure why you went through all the trouble of stating PVE parses and stats.

What’s your win Rate in AB out of curiosity?


Given the severe lack of Stats for classes in each BG, and that deep likelihood that players who are PvPing in SoD are also raiding (because there’s so little content to begin with) It’s better than anecdotes. “Shammies stole my lunch”

Don’t have stats, but probably 60-75%, which incidentally lines up with how it is in Classic Era. (The map favors horde with LM being much better than GM, and easier access to horde.)

So you think just the slight map advantage (that Alliance can also take BS>Farm>LM) is the reason for your higher win rate? (I think you might be low balling, but I’ll accept it for this discussion.

Or are you just such a better player and Alliance are all just trash?

I honestly can’t see how anyone would consider the Paladin on parity with Shaman for small group pvp in SoD.