Nerf Shamans : Lava burst should not get 100% crit from Flame shock

Sock puppet, thats the words that guy with 6000 posts used alot. Oh no… dont tell me you have over 11000 posts on here. I feel sorry for you

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Describes someone who grabbed a fresh toon with no forum posts yet. We affectionately use the term because it describes someone who is afraid to have any sort of accountability from using the same face to post on for too long.

Do you have something to offer now besides ad hominem, or can we get back to you blaming shamans for being OP again?


Youre a sock puppet with 11k posts. What does that make you

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Thats not what the word means. Forum has been using the term to describe people who post on 0 post toons. You can’t even use ad hominem on them because they’re using a toon that will be used a few times, then abandoned.

You can attack my person because I choose to post on the same toon day in and day out. You can choose a myriad of insults to throw my way, but sock puppet is the opposite of what I am.


I’ve said this already. I’m fine with it being 100% crit chance in PvE but it should be 50% in PvP.

You are posting about sod on a toon that has no actual connection to sod or even to retail / cata classic. You are the ultimate sock puppet. Hiding behind an abandoned toon.

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Clerics stop all arguments concerning shaman

but it quite literally is their fault lmao…for making it so OP it’s a FoTM class.

if you say something like “I’m a shaman main, I love this class, it’s not my fault they made us a FoTM class”, that’s valid.

but these dudes literally gave you a rune with 100% increased flame shock damage, 6 second longer duration, 5 target spread, and more spell power than Atiesh lol. and there’s people in here acting like that’s not a significant advantage to winning

and that’s coming off the heels of phase 2 where enhancement shaman were so laughably stupid broken and remained that way for that whole phase

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Gotta explain to you that you have to trade your tankiness in pvp for that runes spellpower. One rune requires one enchant, and another rune requires another enchant. More damage, but easier to kill.

The whole change is about how ele was doing garbage in pve. In fact, pretty much all of us swapped to enhancement in pve because ele was just doing that bad. The buffs still haven’t made us do a pve swap, but pvp is ele nowadays.

When spawning in and buffing in Arathi Basin…

“Oh, crap… they have 6 Shamans on their team… we’re screwed.”


“Oh, crap… we have 6 paladins on our team… we’re screwed.”

When the faction specific classes aren’t at least close to competitive in a team game, something’s busted.

Enuff said.

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Oh no. Not all the hunters and paladins crying again :frowning:


The devs understand balance okay! There won’t be any power creep in SoD…

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Pally has a reputation for being a brain dead class that you can tab out and watch youtube while playing, but SOD gave pallies a bunch of their later tool kit, so they arent actually that simple.

A well piloted pally is terrifying. Everyone in here screaming about how pallies are dogwater is just confessing they’re bad at their class. For the record, i’d be maining a paladin if they were available on the horde side.

Or, we’re complaining about Paladin’s being harder to play well than Shamans are; which, in turn means an imbalance in BGs no matter what class you play as Alliance.

Give both sides these classes (which, historically saw Shaman nerfs/Paladin buffs) or merge factions for BGs (All vs All).

Something needs done as in a team game, it’s just not balanced at all currently with these faction specific classes.

This assumes the baseline is the same. Shamans always had some level of depth to them, even in classic. Paladins had the same DPS rotation at level 12 that they had at 60, and i never said they were hard to play, I just said they required more thought than the vanilla pally does, which is true.

That said, I do agree something should be done: alliance shamans and horde paladins.

you don’t have to explain anything to me bud, I know you don’t get to use WotE anymore. guess what? you shouldn’t have been able to without taking a damage penalty before anyway, WotE on shamans doing their full amount of damage is pretty busted. but don’t worry! there’s a 20% physical and 30% magic damage reduction in place!

oh no, not the Plunderstorm enjoyer :frowning:
sorry they got rid of your favorite 4 button game mode, that’s definitely not skibidi of them

Is this how you talk to people IRL? Or are you on better behaviour when people are in punching distance?

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what’s the matter gurmag do you want to punch me? :slight_smile:

if its not a orc, its likely a tauren that gets an AOE stun whichout right eliminates your argument of shamans not getting stuns, and if not that, its a troll who gets one of the most overpowered caster racials in the game. theres just no ground you shamans get in this argument where u will ever justify your classes OPness. sorry.