Nerf Shamans : Lava burst should not get 100% crit from Flame shock

Imagine if they had a dot that could do double their starsurge damage, all while having a 25% chance to make their next starfire instant!

Man that would be ridiculously overpowered

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Imagine making stuff up to seem like you know what you are talking about. lol

You dont even realise what your top damaging ability is, while playing an ele shaman. This is why players like you need to stick to a fotm class.

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I’ve been here since day 1 and when I finally hit a 1k flame shock crit. I came on here and said unreal. I am against the spread part of Burn rune and have said it shouldn’t work in pvp. Leave the SP part alone. =)

I know how to play my class and what is its good against and weak against. Its the reason I choose it to play in SOD. Just so happen that Ele’s have some freaking amazingly good runes. I never played Ehn even when it was super OP. I probably never will, unless 2hd is fun later on.

Oh, we were specifically referring to a scenario where a Rogue is still able to win after an orc resisted the stuns in the Rogue’s opener. The only scenario this matters is against an Enhancement Shaman because once resisted, a enhance has the ability to turn around and begin attacking back. But enhance still loses because even if you get the stun resist, 5 minute cooldown of Evasion covers that (not a 15 minute cooldown).

It doesn’t matter against an Ele Shaman. The only scenario an Ele Shaman beats a Rogue where the Rogue gets the 1v1 is:

Orc stun resist the opener (30% chance)
Flame Shock
Power Surge proc (5% chance)
Lava Burst + overload (50% chance)

Then just hope you did enough damage to win. If that wasn’t enough, you’re dead, you won’t live long enough to see another GCD due to Rogues having some of the highest dps in the game. We’re counting on the Shaman getting a 30% chance proc (2 of them if the rogue uses 2 stuns), a 5% proc chance, and a 50% proc chance, and then and ONLY then can an Ele Shaman win against a Rogue.

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Ok got you, because youve played it since day 1 there is no way it can be OP. Understood.


No one cares about 1v1s so stop thinking about them

Nobody cares about anything besides 1v1s, stop not talking about them.

Let me know when they open up a 1v1 BG

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Once again, I hate calling you dumb, but I am at a lost for other words. lol The only thing OP about Ele’s is the Spread part of the Burn rune. Its not blizzard’s fault that people flock to FoTM classes. lol

Let me know when BGs begin to matter for absolutely any reason. Once you’re geared, the only thing that matters in WoW is how well you survive fights in the open world against the enemy faction.

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you are at a lost for other words? How about you find the correct words first before calling others dumb

Just post on ur alliance main, please. I want to make more fun of you.

Ok the multiple threads about BG queues and the unplayable state they are in tends to favor the idea that people care about BGs.

I havnt seen any 1v1 complaints?

Once youre geared the only thing that matters in wow is the open world enemy faction. Unless you play on a PvE server right? And you realise the issue is people are struggling to get gear because of the state of BGs?

I should open up a brain dead shaman ranch, easier than shooting fish in a barrel.

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All i know is fotm class. This is who i am

Finally something we can agree on. LOL

Nobody cares about BGs, stop pretending anyone does.

Only 10% of alliance care about BGs… the other 90% do them for gear to raid with. LOL

Balth you have 5000 posts where most of the time people ridicule you. Its time to hop off the forums

You have a sock puppet you’re posting on trying to ridicule someone. Thanks for being the 99%. Want to continue sock puppet playing or can we move on to having an actual discussion?