Nerf Shamans : Lava burst should not get 100% crit from Flame shock

Yet, it can happen… a SP can dispel himself and GW from the shaman. But, 99% of you guys dont even know you can dispel GW.

Why are you trying to dispel Flame Shock on 5 people? Don’t do that.

this you? plz don’t try to give advice on pvp

Yeah… it’s really not. Removing void plague is really the only thing that makes it possible for you to beat a spriest but they can put pets on your from 48 yards away and they do enough damage by themselves to make you need to heal. A good priests is not getting “countered” by an enh.

They get to damage you from 36 yards away and you have to get into melee to hurt them. They can dispel your snares and your gwolf as well. If they get a blackout stun they get a free mind blast and it’s just over. Also if they silence you you can literally do nothing for 5 sec. Also complaining about tremor is the dumbest thing ever as a good spriest will almost never let their fear get removed by a tremor.


Bro acting like you cant ride up to them in a bg and outheal all the damage they cast on you

yeah you just always gonna be mounted when a spriest attacks you. And you totally cant just get silenced into a fear trying to mount into melee range… You so right


Better chance than most other melee my friend

That doesn’t sound like a hard counter to me…

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Whoa, hey buddy, we’re not talking about good players here. We’re talking about s priest players. They will press their 2 dots and then cry on the forums any time it doesn’t result in a kill

the amount of times I’ve fought spriest in wpvp that didn’t spec for silence is actually unreal

have you seen what decent rogues and hunters do to shaman? we need big damage because we’re lacking in other areas. stop crying

Ah yes, when finally an orc shaman receives a stun… then he finally can be ‘countered’.
If you manage to pass the 50 % resist chance.

Gosh darn, shamans have it so hard in SoD.

just don’t get resisted 4head

also one of my favorites “just train the ele shaman when he pops into 25 yard range” like yeah man totally, all the melee should pick one ele shaman immediately to burst down through the blanket PVP damage reductions, mail+shield, and a 1 min 20% damage reduction CD as well. there’s usually only one ele shaman in the BG right?

Show me 50% resist please.

It’s easy, either you get stunned or you don’t.

lol I resist fear sometimes without shadow resist aura on, I don’t have a 50% fear resist.

I’ve heard different things, I’m not sure if the 5% base chance to resist everyone has is additive, but Hardiness is 25% chance to resist stuns. so could be 30%


K, just mad at racials. Neat.

You don’t need FS to spread on 5 targets for that. Ask for survivability buffs then.

Honestly flame shocks rune shouldnt make it spread automatically, but if you hit someone with a lava burst it has a chance to “explode” causing everyone within a set distance to be hit with a flame shock debuff, not the inital damage.


we also have no aoe, and dont say fire nova/magma totem. stop crying.