Nerf Shamans : Lava burst should not get 100% crit from Flame shock

Buff Zumer… er… Mages.

out of arguments so you measure epeen. typical. get back in your hole.

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Your best Eranikus you managed to land 1 interrupt. Guess by your own accounts even you would lose to a shaman. Good thing you play horde to avoid them.

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did you know in a raid there are other players and some of them get assigned to interrupt things?

Did you know my logs dont matter? Because I know more than you.

It’s okay to be bad at the game dude. It’s not okay to insult others while acting like you’re an expert while being bad at the game, then getting upset that they do the same back to you though.

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talking to you is like pulling teeth

you’re a liar. I know you’re lying. everyone knows you’re lying. you can pretend its you aren’t. thats a lie too. dont expect people to respect what you have to say when you cruise into every thread with big rafts of bull and then act scandalized when people tell you they arent buying it.

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I don’t normally like to log shame but DAMN. I didn’t even bother to run ST this phase due to lack of motivation + the amount of trash (set bonus is cool but will grab hand of justice next phase)

but ouch. for a guy who talks down to people and says they’re stupid, it’s not looking good man

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nobody asked you

LoL cherrypicking. Pointing out that you don’t know what you’re talking about is not cherrypicking.

Fill in that old goalpost hole before someone twists an ankle.

you saying “um ackshually :nerd_face:” doesn’t counter anything I said about flame shock spread being uniquely oppressive

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Mad cuz bad.

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Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss

Whatever it takes to stop other people from having fun eh. Nobody but you can have nice things.

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In this thread, brain dead shaman players that cant understand their class is broken and a big cause of the current state of SoD. They would rather have an easy time pvping than have healthy servers and competitive BGs.

Anyone that actually enjoys the game and enjoys PvP will be trying to figure out ways to balance BGs so SoD is playable again. I feel the damage has been done though, and we will never get to experience what could of been.


Change ur name to “juststop”…

I have said they should nerf the Burn Rune spread FS part. I don’t know what else you want nerf. Just buff other classes so that the FoTM players will have more options.

Oh, and give alliance shamans.

See, a decent response into figuring out ways to get BGs more enjoyable for everyone involved. Im not saying nerf shamans, im saying they have to figure something out to get queues popping again. I feel the current team has no idea how to balance pve / pvp with runes, so the only solution would be mixed faction queues.

I mean, we’ve been beta testing this for them since day 1 and when they had the time. They did nerf, buff and changed some stuff. Since they have been pulled in like 4 other directions cuz blizzard is too cheap to hire more devs. It feels like they have abandoned SOD.

Hunters and Rogues? Yeah, those can absolutely murder enhance when piloted well.

Spriest? Um, hate to break it to you, but Enhance is a Spriest counter. Void Plague? Disease cleanse. Fear? Tremor. Bubbles and other magic buffs? Purge. Dispersion? Time for self healing for shaman.

Spriest is good against everything else, but Shamans? No.

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1v1 ret also counters spriest. the only time either of our classes would have any issues is if the spriest is running silence, but still very much winnable

SP can beat Enh and at a high percentage. Go watch some Hozitojones playing SP he didnt lose to one Ehn in a 1v1 tourny. Now, if the SP can’t kite… they should lose 100% of the time. But I dont see why they couldnt.

If a shaman gets kited by a class that has no movement abilities or slows then the shaman player should reevaluate their existence.