Nerf Shamans : Lava burst should not get 100% crit from Flame shock

nah flame shock being able to hit 5 people every 6 sec like earth shock and then dotting them each feeding surge procs is busted

Toughburger has a solid idea making it spread from LB damage, could proc on overloads maybe. I still think 5 targets is a bit much, but 3 if it worked that way would be fine imo

nah bruh they got a 1 min CD 20% DR wall that restores mana or can run WotE in it’s place and all they give up is the charitable free 200 SP from burn, they don’t need to be tankier.

a small concession would be allow SR to be useable while stunned

yes all they give up is 200 sp.

thats chump change.

so like ele played before they buffed the burn rune? ele was still strong start of p3 it just wasn’t over the top in PVP.

they could even leave burn as it is in PVE but it needs balancing in pvp

bad braindead player suggests dispelling GW in a duel LOL

Sounds more reasonable.
I think the Lava Burst crit chance shouldn’t be 100% against other players.
Maybe 100% PvE and 50% in PvP.

Hmm. Perhaps a layering effect?

Add this effect to the rune.

Molten scarring: Your lava burst has a chance to scar the target, increasing spell critical strike by 25%. This ability has no effect on overload.

Sitting at 50% then gaining another 25 would keep them strong, just not insane burst strong.

Edit: meant spell critical FOR LB, Not in general.

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I told him to ask. It doesn’t mean that if he asks he will get it. It is just wrong to justify such broken rune simply because he is getting destroyed by rogues and hunters - everyone does, but I don’t have mass exorcism rune that hits 5 targets and grants me 200 sp. Ret, by default, does not have a good AoE either, so…


Looks like a good change to me. Atleast it has some counterplay.

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I’m even fine with it having 100% crit chance as a punishment to not having your teammates cleanse it, as long as trying to cleanse it doesn’t feel like an impossible task.

removing spread just from pressing flame shock and adding it to a proc from LB hits is a great idea

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you mean you don’t spend 645 mana to hard cast holy wrath for 2 seconds while bubbled so people can move away???

30 sec CD with rune btw

yeah that rune blows lol, I thought for sure they’d give us a book to make it instant

First thing I imagine when you mention that ability, is Zal’s 3d pvp movie of the OG vanilla, when he gathers all the mobs near Uther’s tomb and aoes them down. Used to do that in 2019 to farm gold too at some point.

“you can use it on players now! but you want to plant yourself in the middle of them and not get kicked!”

sad thing is flame shock literally hits slightly harder than exorcism and holy wrath lmao

With 30% DR on spells any ret’s ability looks pathetic in pvp. Blanket nerfs ftw

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What’s funny is the current rank of flame shock is basically a low level spell. We get a new rank at 52, so they buffed the flame shock damage to hit like it was its 52 upgrade.

…they’re gonna need to nerf it probably.

yeah it’s not just the spread and 200 sp but 100% increased flame shock damage when using the same one from P2, the rune just is comically overtuned

who on the dev team is maining sham?

Disrespecter made a good point about devs doing class balancing around world buffs, melee scales so well with them and they buff casters to compensate and it makes pvp even more wonky than it should be