Nerf Shamans : Lava burst should not get 100% crit from Flame shock

every class that deals phys damage is doing better than every caster because of how crazy they scale with consumes and WBs. that def doesn’t translate in PVP, because nobody runs around with full consumes and WBs, not to mention range disadvantage for melee (ranged hunter being the only phys damage that isnt melee) they should honestly redesign WBs instead of buffing casters in PVE to compete, because unless they do individual PVP spell tuning (they haven’t even tried that yet and we are in late P3), it’s gonna be more world of castercraft in PVP and world of meleecraft in PVE.

all this to say, don’t nerf ele sham damage with a lazy blanket nerf. return burn rune to it’s pre buff state in pvp only

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I understand what you are trying to say, however that link is the purest most equal form of dps output metric we can see since you cant run accurate dps meters in pvp.

It was more of a retort to yet another one of his usual ridiculous nerf shaman requests.

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Flame Shock takes an entire global, on top of all of the totem management that has to be done. Remember, Ele Shamans do not have any hard CCs or easy ways to deal with CCs.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: good thing it hits 5 people

now think about how many globals it takes to remove from those 5 people

Don’t forget the other dots and debuffs they likely have with it and will come off first.

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yeah man even just 1 more ele sham is 10 potential flame shocks going out. if ele shaman #2 hits the same 5 people as ele shaman #1 they each have 2 applications of flame shock to cleanse not even counting getting SWP or corruption you might have had cast on you

but the interaction with power surge necessitates making cleansing flame shock more of a priority than even all the other magic dots in the game, like it needs to be cleaned ASAP. not only does it set them up for power surge but it chunks on initial hit, too.

I think returning it to pre buff state in PVP would be fair to alliance and still charitable to ele shaman, they should be able to get power surge procs but it shouldn’t feel impossible to counterplay in group pvp

ghost wolf

Tremor totem, poison cleanse, decoy.

Shamanastic rage

That’s more than nearly every other class and it’s ranged.

I’m sure it’s very difficult for you to click your earth bind totem.

And it gives more mitigation than the entire prot paladin and prot warrior talent trees combined.

They have both spell/physical immunity, and slow/root immunity.

You also forgot to mention they have an offensive dispel, self healing, AOE cleanses (only class in classic that can aoe dispel), AOE mana regen, and the strongest melee buff in the game.

Show damage output without world buffs and when a paladin doesn’t have wild strikes. You’re in a thread discussing pvp topics posting irrelevant data.

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I forgot to even mention wild strikes, 0 people play feral in pvp anymore :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

that sweet, sweet windfury :broken_heart:

Get gud bro, just cleanse 5 flame shocks at the same time per shaman. Bad luck if they have 3 shamans, thats a skill issue for playing alliance.


ghost wolf

Ghost Wolf has a cast bar and can be purged. Can you purge charge off a warrior? Can you purge blink? No. You cant. Your selective outrage is noted.

Tremor totem, poison cleanse, decoy.

Tremor totem needs to be down to stop fears. You cant drop a tremor in response to a fear. Its also a totem and can be killed. Poison Cleanse is hardly relevant, and also a totem that can be destroyed. Decoy is their ONLY reactive CC removal, and as mentioned before clearly, it requires not running a major DPS rune. Again, your selective outrage is noted.

Shamanastic rage

Shamanistic rage is also a mana sustain rune. It is not typically up when its needed to survive damage, and with the level of burst in this meta, it doesnt do enough to stop that damage anyway. Your selective outrage is noted.

That’s more than nearly every other class and it’s ranged.

Conveniently, you ignored the next part of my statement, where I pointed out that said interrupt is on a shared CD with frost and flameshock, both subjects of much discussion in this very thread. Either you have the crit from flame shock, or you have an available interrupt, and if you run way of earth to take it off the shared cooldown, that interrupt is now melee range, as well as you have now surrendered a great deal of damage to run way of earth, so again, your selective outrage is noted.

ALSO, you have counterspell. A ranged interrupt with none of those limitations. By your own logic, that should be nerfed too.

I’m sure it’s very difficult for you to click your earth bind totem.

Cherry picking parts of my statement to make me look bad just makes you look desperate. Can you attack an avenger’s shield cast to stop it from dazing you? No. You can kill totems though.

And it gives more mitigation than the entire prot paladin and prot warrior talent trees combined.

This is just rank hyperbole. You’ve also cherry picked the two tank classes that dont get crit immunity from their runes. Will you complain about warlock tank runes being abused in PVP I wonder?

They have both spell/physical immunity, and slow/root immunity.

Grounding totem and decoy totem arent immunities. You know that, so I can only assume you are lying on purpose.

You also forgot to mention they have an offensive dispel,

So do priests. Should we nerf them?

self healing,

So does any class that can cast a heal. Do we nerf all healers now too?

AOE cleanses (only class in classic that can aoe dispel),


AOE mana regen,

Paladins have that too, would you like to nerf them?

and the strongest melee buff in the game.

Druids have a better version. I guess we’re nerfing feral too.

How many classes would you like to die on their own swords to satisfy you, because if you’re going to hold shamans to that standard, then I expect you to hold every other class to that standard, and if you’re not willing to, then its patently obvious to anyone and everyone here who has an ounce of awareness that you’re just out to screw over people who play a class you dont like or understand, because you cant be bothered to figure out how to cast an interrupt.

You have zero meaningful arguments. You contribute nothing of value to any discussion you’ve taken part in today. You’re a rank partisan looking to get an edge over your opponents by dint of your troublesome ability to whine for hours on end. Go away. Save us all the trouble.


Shaman are OP. They have a ton of utility. You’re just wrong. Now stop posting on you era character, and go back to your 3000 posts shaman sod character.

You’re clueless. I have a paladin and a shaman and shaman is significantly harder to play well. Paladin is the class for 5 year olds. I did BM for the first time in forever and annoying 5 man ret paladin team was wrecking everyone just divine storming groups while bubbled.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

If (!
/use flameshock
/use lava burst
goto start

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You mean my warrior?

Every half baked point you’ve made has been a lie, or at least a lie by omission. You’re full of it and everyone knows it.

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Haven’t made a single lie. Get off the copium dude. If your main is a grey parsing warrior then I guess your bad opinion makes sense.

hell yeah dude they did this for 30 mins straight, bubble available every time they engaged someone. everybody knows divine storm does MASSIVE cleave damage especially now that it hits for 20% less. eat a massive 450-500 crit my dude

you know what’s gonna happen in 10 more seconds? another fat divine storm hitting you for 250 damage (it didn’t crit)


Yeah bro, and that sick dot it applies. Blizzard was way out of line giving paladins a melee aoe ability that does less than a tick of flameshock. Plus that mana regen rune is sick, -50% healing done!

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flame somewhere else

I guess you get what you give there bud. If I wanted to know what someone who was bad at the game thought about shaman, I could just go ask my dog or something and get a more reasonable answer.

All you have to do is press sunder armor and heroic strike and you couldn’t even pull that off. Most warriors auto attack for more dps.

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