Nerf Shamans : Lava burst should not get 100% crit from Flame shock

ok? 2 additional nearby targets per global and does SWP have any initial burst nearly as high as FS does??? cherrypicking my post to respond with a gotcha doesn’t invalidate anything I said

Your entire personality is centered on hating shamans and going through whatever mental gymnastics are needed to make any and every thread you post, or comment in about nerfing them.

Im at home sick and had nothing to do. What’s your excuse?

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thats kinda how i see it too, with how high the stun resist is, it may aswell be as bad as a coin toss, and between the factors around the stun and stun resist like innate ability to resist and a paladins chance to land the stun, it likely may even be 50% or less to land it

Your entire personality is centered on denying shamans are op and going through whatever mental gymnastics are needed to make any and every thread you post, or comment in about how fair and balanced they are.

See I can strawman too.


yes, plus i myself am beginning to doubt he even plays on sod. Plus name-calling people doesnt really help his argument that SoD is doing fine… I see alot of regressive tactics from that one

bro every time you open your mouth its not “lets adjust shamans” its “lets remove every ability they have and perma ban them” levels of nerf. You obviously have an agenda.


Wrong again.

shamans dont need their abilties removed necessarily, they just need their damaged tuned down to make up for how many niches they can cover in pvp. Maybe if their damage was tuned down, i could see an excuse for them to finally have a CC like the hex one they got in TBC

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They dont have any hard CCs. A class with no hard CCs should be doing higher damage or they’re just a worse version of the alternatives. Im not sure whats so difficult to understand.

All of their utility spells are locked into a shared CD; either you can make someone go slow, you can interrupt them, or you can guarantee the lava burst crit, but you can do only one of those things at a time. If you run way of earth, you free up your interrupt, but at the cost of losing a significant amount of damage, and shamanistic rage.

None of these are discussions Zumer is willing to have; he’d rather see fundamental changes to how tanking works in classic, just for the sake of never having to see someone run way of earth in PVP. I know the difference between someone bringing up genuine concerns, and someone who just wants to post about what killed them last until it gets nerfed. That’s hardly a phenomenon unique to wow.

honestly if they just made it so Flame shock didnt garentee a Crit but instead just increase its crit chance by a fixed amount, i think i wouldnt complain as much about elemental shamans at least, the fact they can always do 1200-1400+ damage on tap is too powerful

i disagree with that. they do way too much damage especially when you take a look at videos of shamans literally globalling people. Ive seen people say how thats basically the ultimate form of CC and having to experience it first hand in AB im starting to get annoyed by it too. you cant trinket out of being globalled, but you can trinket out of being stunned.

So would you give them access to hard CCs if that came with damage reductions? Because if the answer is no, then you understand what you want is punishment.

no, they should be able to burst. the problem isn’t the 100% crit it’s the spread of flame shock coupled with flame shock’s initial hit doing big damage…200 spell power just for meeting the checkmark list of

  1. Equip rune
  2. Imbue flame tongue

is pretty fried as well, but the biggest issue in a BG is the spread

Ele should keep their 100% crit LB if fs is applied, it just needs to not spread to the whole team fighting at a node

A flat damage nerf of 30% to shaman so they can be brought in line with paladins would work too.

Shaman have every other form of utility in the game right now. Stop crying about stuns when they can do absolutely everything else imaginable. No other class as as much utility as a shaman does.

They dont have a sprint. They dont have fears. They cant break any CCs except strictly movement based ones, and are required to sacrifice a dps rune to do that. They dont have active damage mitigation. They have 1 interrupt, which shares a cooldown with the spell this entire thread is complaining about, and thus is unavailable if you’re keeping flame shock up 100% of the time. They have a slow that suffers the same problem. Their crowd control tools arent simple AOEs; totems can be targetted and killed. Using their tanking rune blocks them out of both using their mana sustain spells, and their high damage weapon buffs. They dont have invulnerabilities.

They dont have “every other form of utility in the game right now”. That’s a fabrication. You’re lying, and you know it.

What they can do, is post up in a spot, and death star somebody with hard casted spells. If you cant figure out how to interrupt and pressure someone hard casting spells, then you deserve to lose. The class doesnt deserve a nerf because you dont know how to play.

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sorry, wrong character

and on top of that, you think damage parity between shamans and paladins is even a desirable design aim; paladins are tankier than shamans for a reason. Arbitrarily declaring a class should get a 30% overall damage nerf is insane and it proves you arent being remotely serious.

Breaking down a classes abilities and their intended functions is not a selling argument.

Shall we describe a mage next? Or a rogue?

Totems share windows of uptime, limited uses that are reactive in nature and counterable.

Shocks share cool downs.

Survival cool down (rage) is also mana regen, using early will lockout when it’s actually needed, negating the attrition offered by it.

Shamans are fun, offer a strong support system and pack a punch. They’re also easily locked down.

I’m begining to think you’re intentionally inflating their utility suite of abilities and flavor that SoD brings with runes.


Thats all he does. He just hyperboles the crap out of any shaman ability and then proceeds to make claims like:

He basically wants to just gut shamans. Its his whole shtick.


Ret pallies are already doing more damage than ele shaman, by a large margin. Nerfing them 30% would put them below tanks.

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