Nerf Shamans : Lava burst should not get 100% crit from Flame shock

Everyone makes it sound like this is so easy to do… Eearthbind totem dies in 1 hit and has a cd it also only pulses every 3 seconds so you need to perfectly time your projection to get a snare on someone. Totemic Projection has a 30 yard range… how is a shaman supposed to catch a mm hunter?

Ghost wolf is a 3 second cast without the talent and a 1 second cast with it. Try casting gwolf while being artillery barraged from 40 yards away.

Grounding totem is easy to play around… Tremor has a 20 yard range and pulses every 4 seconds very easy to kill. And decoy only works and roots and snares and can be dispelled. You also cant use decoy, tremor, and earthbind at the same time. You can still very easily be ccd.

Yeah tell that to any competent ranged class. Frost shock DRs itself and puts your interrupt on cd, also has a 20 yard range…How is frost shock gonna help you vs a hunter that is 40 yards away?

You cant use decoy totem while you are in ghost wolf…So you gotta leave ghost wolf to cast decoy and then stand still to hard cast ghost wolf all while taking damage yeah sure is no way anyone can kite a shaman…

Yeah you frost shock and then get polyd cause your interrupt is on CD.

Everyone crying about shaman should make one. Make and enh sham and go fight a good hunter or rogue or spriest and tell me how well you do. Show me how you just obliterated them with 0 room for counterplay. Show me how you typed .killall and everyone in the BG died cause a shaman was there.

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Why would I handicap myself? Do you ride on a horse to get to the job everyday? You have a spec that wins bgs using 2 buttons literally.

And this isnt possible. In order to activate WoE you have to run rockbiter. In order to activate burn you have to run flametongue.

You cant do both.

fair suggestion ggs we’ve done it boys get Aggrend on the phone and push these changes out live. thank you for your cooperation in making Azeroth a more fun place.

-reduce burn rune back to original p3 state in PVP only
-you can’t run WotE with burn rune equipped
-ICD on MSW healing TBD we need to further convene a number

after these changes, remove the HR/DR penalty in PVP completely and do individual spell tuning for Starfire in pvp, doesn’t have to be crazy but with DR removed it should at least be adjusted somewhat.

also give both factions both classes
also make 2h enhance great
also make divine storm great again

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yeah I know that’s what I was saying they give up the SP from burn to run rockbiter for WotE.

you can currently keep the spread component of burn and still run rockbiter, all you miss out on is the 200 sp but still get all the other benefits

Show me how easy it is bud

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easier than any other melee

Increase the threat gen of WOTE. It should not be viable for ele shamans to use.

Happy I could be your boogeyman. Maybe seek out a professional for your schizophrenia symptoms.

Way of earth requires the use of a shield, and rockbiter, it occupies the same slot as shamanic rage, and throughput basically requires mental dexterity, which precludes elemental builds, because you essentially must run stormstrike.

If you are going to talk, at least know what you’re talking about.

Mail + shield > 2h weap + plate
If we talk about physical damage reduction. Add it to our new DR aura and you are not a glass canon at all. WotE was p2 meta. Now we have clowns with burn rune stacking shamans on bgs/blood moon to get easy wins/coins.

Way of the earth doesn’t drop a shaman’s damage enough to justify not including a damage output nerf on it. It needs to be completely unusable for anything other than tanking.

Tanks need to do damage to generate threat. This is doubly true in classic, especially with all other classes pumping so much more damage than they otherwise would. You dont know what you’re talking about.

So increase the threat generation more smarty pants.

“so change the way tanks work in classic so I can be satisfied that the class i hate gets nerfed enough”

I wonder how Bliz sees this disparity between Shaman and Paladin in SoD classic. Traditionally these classes didn’t get balanced until both sides had them in TBC. With SoD adding so much power to classes, the disparity is magnified.

Will they add the Dorf Shaman and Tauren Paladin? That seems to be the easiest route to take, or mix the BG’s? They need to do something…

troll paladin

Shared pain? I can spread sw:p to everyone at bs in <6 seconds

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Guy’s just flaming at this point. He’s in every thread at all hours of the day making 6 back to back posts taking whatever the opposing/controversial position is.

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Nice self report. You’ve made almost 100 posts in just 48 hours there bud.