Nerf penance

Junk data, homie.

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Junk data, getting carried, any other excuses or are you allergic to facts?

The fact is that druid doesn’t have the mana pool nor the healing efficiency to heal much of anything without going flat oom.

The fact is that I have mained resto druid in WoW since the end of original vanilla. Druid healing at level 25 is garbage.

There is zero reason for any group to bring anything other than priests right now. Priest is stronger than all the other healers combined.

This goes both ways and all the threads piping up seem to indicate people are seeing a problem. Un like you with the head in the sand aproceh. It’s op no one wants to hear but it’s all we got. Other healers are being pushed out just for easy mode priest.

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This. There really is no reason for any other healer to exist right now. Priest is MAGNITUDES stronger.

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You seem to lack a basic iq above 2. Stop crying there op and everyone knows it. You sounds like the pallies crying about AS daze fix.

man this hobbes guy all over the forums just complaining

People complain about lots of things. it’s not always an indication of a problem. These forums are 99% complaints. If we listened to them all this game would be a mess.

I’ve done nothing but use fact based argumentation. I have never once relied on “I steamrolled this BG, please nerf” or “I got steamrolled please nerf”

And I have also not relied on hyperbole or outright lies either. I have consistently used real numbers and data points.

So you can get off your high horse.

This is just not true.

Let’s look at some numbers shall we?

Parses for BFD for healers:
Priest - 412000
Druid - 95000
Mage - 86000
Paladin - 42000
Shaman - 39000

Now, at first glance that looks like it supports your argument that priests are pushing out the other healers… but wait. What about the other roles?

Feral Druid - 322000 (boomkin 27000)
Ret Paladin - 196000
DPS Mage - 351000
DPS Shaman 58000
DPS priest - 19000

Tank Shaman - 104000
Tank Paladin - 91000
Tank Druid - 27000

Total players across these classes:

Priest - 431000
Druid - 471000
Shaman - 201000
Mage - 437000
Paladin - 329000

Priests aren’t even the most played class across all the healing classes, AND 96% of priests are healing. Like really? You really want to nerf the class that is healing as their ONLY role? We’re not even the best healing to tanks. Druids and Mages are both competing for that on the logs. So you’re just a trashcan druid and angry about it.

Priests provide strong healing (because it’s the ONLY thing they can do) and they provide stamina. You always want a priest in the group period, and because priests have exactly one role, you will always have a healing priest. While other classes that provide their unique buffs will always be brought across a variety of roles.

You can nerf priests when:

Paladin tanks get nerfs.
Feral druids get nerfs.
mage healers get nerfs.
Priest dps gets buffs.

The argument is still just that penance is broken

You keep acting like penance is the only ability you have, priest already has a solid kit without penance, having what is essentially a NS healing wave at a fraction of the mana cost every 12 seconds ON TOP of your already solid healing kit is total overkill

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None of this makes any sense. You are just further proving that priest heals vastly outnumber other healers. What the other classes do on non healing specs is irrelevant to this argument. Nerf penance.

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they did this to hunters, hunters only spec is dps and they fall well behind every class in dps…and the sad thing is, this is the phase when hunters are the strongest and will only get weaker as we get higher levels.

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nawwwww. They nerf us I’m done until phase 2. Our DPS spec is a meme and we only can heal atm. Healers are in a shortage and yall here crying about a spec that gets two shot by hunters, rogues, and druids.

I’m surprised ppl havent been calling for shaman tank nerfs. Best pvp flag runner in the game atm.

You ever think that the reason there is a healer shortage is because all the other classes that can be healers aren’t healing because priests are the only heals people want for pve and pvp?

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No. I’ve seen every class heal BFD just fine. Ppl are just meta slaves. If anything boost heals of other heals for now since so many of you are crying at 25, when pally, shaman, and druid will scale better than priest at 40+.

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Wtf are you talking about, priest is pretty much the best healer for the entirety of the game in era

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Yes it does.

However, kick resistance is a thing in Classic. If you crit the priest you may raise his chance to resist your kick.

You joking? Shaman is gonna be way better than priest. lol rank 1 chainhealing with overcharge + water shield rune. Have you healed with every healer in era? Because I have and priest are good but they are not the best.

Nah. It’s fine. Otherwise everyone would just one shot priests. This at least gives us a fighting chance. Especially in open world when we’re alone. Our DPS is a joke at 25. Some classes are going to be stronger/weaker than others at 25. When we get 60, you can cry if it’s still strong.

You don’t understand how multiple roles dilutes play rates across a population size? What’s not to get? Would you bring 4 druids to a 10 man BFD? Or would you spread out the 10 man across as many classes as you can? Do you not understand how insane utility like wild strikes pushes druids further from a healing role that they still excel at to a dps role because their incredible utility is so strong that they are always in demand?

If you want less healing priests and more spread across the situation the only way to do that is to make a dps priest desired and viable. Because the only thing nerfing priests into irrelevancy will do is kill the class participation. Right now there is a 100% reason to bring a priest, Fortitude and a unique class, and zero reason for that priest to be dps.

It is entirely relevant to the discussion of priest class distribution and population in BFD.

No they don’t. They are competing for the top dps and are currently the best median dps of any class with two viable dps styles. Now, if say they were to nerf hunters AGAIN maybe there’s more case here, but this is just not supported by the evidence. Hunters have been and continue to be top dps in every BFD I do. PUG or Guild. And I run 5 different level 25s through each reset.

The other classes aren’t healing because their other roles/specs are better and more desired. DRUIDS HAVE A LEVEL 32 SKILL PASSIVELY AS A RUNE RIGHT NOW! Shaman don’t even have the totem that rune is based on. No wonder all the druids are feral dps and have 100% participation in raids. Nerf ferals then we can talk about buffing resto.

Chain heal shaman says what? Priests are the best for MC/BWL, and Shaman just run away with the game in AQ/Naxx. Not to mention you need like 1-2 priests, you need 8 shaman.

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Shamans 1 niche as far as healing is being a good raid healer, they are absolutely garbage healers in pvp and are just “ok” at tank healing

Priest can tank heal, raid heal, and pvp heal all at a top tier level.

And if you want to bring up future scaling into it, let’s not pretend like shadow priests won’t be absolute monsters in pvp come future phases thanks to all the buffs they received for people crying about their current dps at lvl 25 with no shadow form or good talents yet

You’re delusional

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