Nerf penance

As a decent geared priest, I can say we are strong right now as healers. In PVE, we absolutely rule. I ended up solo healing BFD this week after the mage we invited must have not got the memo that he was supposed to offheal. Couple deaths from avoidable damage, but we one-shot every boss. I did 20k healing on the last boss. With good mana management it’s doable. My penance however, only heals a decent geared player by about 1/3rd, less if they’re a tank with a larger health pool. So the idea that it’s full healing people is just ridiculous.

I also PVP a good amount. And our real strength is being fast with dispels. Penance is very interruptible. Any damage will interrupt a penance, not just kicks. Kicks will actually lock us out of healing for a few seconds. If you want to stop a priest, kick the penance. Even if I’ve gotten 2/3rds of the ticks out, that lockout is still devastating.

Lower level brackets were never balanced. These calls to change and nerf everyone is just sad. Wait until the next level bracket, it will surely be lopsided in another direction.


kick does not interrupt penance.

As a relatively geared 25 Priest myself, can confirm everything Fathyr said. Penance is so easily interruptable, not just with kicks, but with any damage at all. Attack the Priest. Send Hunter pets at them. They won’t do nearly as much healing.

PvE we are definitely the strongest healer atm. No denying that. Next phase, with Mortal Strike and Wound Poison, we’re going to get one-tapped pretty easily.

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Sure, it’s hard to die, but the balance is that it takes three times as long to kill a mob in comparison to other heal classes. :sleeping:

WSG is really bad right now. Super lame

…lol wut? Yes it does.

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no it doesnt. Ive been playing rogue in sod tried to kick multiple times it doesnt do anything. Ive seen cs work.

:thinking: Are you quoting yourself?

Like do you want me to go down the line?

Rogue saps priest, rogue leaves stealth because they don’t have the talent. Rogue gets gobbled by back line. Sap breaks in like 10 seconds cuz it’s low rank now it is 9v10.

Hunter pushes up to attack priest, Hunter now in range of enemy back line.

Any of these scenarios have a counter play.

Clearly priests are overpowered. A nerf to their mana and a removal of the 25% wsg damage nerf would still leave priests the strongest healer.

And I’m actually really good at pvp. Was playing on era since wotlk launch, doing wsg for hours everyday for years . Ask the real era og gamers if they know any of my chars and if I’m any good. I was a known person on era till the server 100x it’s pop. But before then it was all gamers doing super competitive wsgs all night

All these priest in here acting like they aren’t busted in pvp right now

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You have bad rogues then. Here’s how it actually goes. Rogue is stealthed in the backline and saps with the engagement, then runs through to support the attack. If they are turned on, they have evasion and vanish. Priest can’t get out of the sap so even if the rogue WAS to die, it would be at best a 9v9 and you’re trading a rogue to keep a healer out.

Yea but the enemy frontline is now without heals. Who do you think has the worst position?

YES THAT’S THE POINT. You solved the equation. There are no easy solutions. PVP is about counter play. Of which there are plenty for preists. You people just want BGs to be all about who can global who. You clearly never played Era or original vanilla.

Look at my avatar Lmao full bis in era, that is a clone from classic. Look at my guild, it’s the only good ally pvp guild on era. I’m am a veteran in the guild because I joined when there was like 200 active ppl on era

I’m talking about in your average game, priests are going to dominate. In a way that other healers do not.

Also I’m saying these scenarios are pointless. You can always come up with a way to “win” a scenario, but that’s not the point.

Ur rogue example, what if the rogue gets insta hoj, oh but then he gets dispelled, oh but then he gets novad, oh but then he vanished, oh but then he gets shouted out of stealth, oh but then someone charges that warrior. See it’s all meaningless.

Like obviously healers should be ccd or pressured. That’s true in all forms of wow, and would be true whether the healer in question is op or weak, because of the inate power of healing.

And yet you still seem to lack basic comprehension of how to properly coordinate PVP fights and think that all skirmishers are just 1v5 unless it’s a priest involved. I’m done. You’re not worth engaging with anymore.

Hey guys, just a reminder, priest basically only has 1 spec right now considering shadows performance in PvP and PvE, so its okay if they’re the best healer at the moment. That being said, I’d love to see them lower penance’s healing value and cooldown.

Right…so cringe.

Priest is basically the only healer in the game right now.

Yea all those druids doing no healing at all in BFD… oh wait.

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first they came for the hunters,

the precedent was set and now the whiners flood the forums in droves to get everything good nerfed. Sounds like they want era/retail

these kids, these “balance” purists, should go back to era and get off our fun-servers

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The druids are being carried. Druid healing is awful and insanely inefficient. It is terrible

It’s almost like priest currently has their full kit of healing and abilities available to them, having strong base numbers. While other classes that scale significantly are missing a lot from the lack of talent points and abilities in this bracket.

Shaman don’t have all their totems, paladins can’t even GET their main healing talents (not to mention a severe lack of gear and runes for holy paladins) Druids don’t have their travel form yet.

Priests however have everything they will ever have outside of Prayer of Healing.

What a wild statement. You realize they are the highest HPS in BFD yea?

And they actually ride off one button, unlike priests that have to use their full kit.

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