Nerf penance

Most players really do have about 1k HP in my experience. 1200-1300 with Fortitude.

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You guys are legit clowns.

Stop pretending like priests should be able to hit a single button and heal to full from < 10%. It isnt good for the game.

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Citations lmao how? Want a peer reviewed paper?

According to recent data most players haven’t cleared bfd. My priest likely has slightly above average gear and I have like 1.1k with fort

That one button has a 12 second cooldown and is interruptible. The first pulse is gonna go off no matter what, but you should be ready to interrupt the second. It’s really not that hard, you and your group really just need to l2p.

Yea it’s not like I have played this game for 20 years. Curiously you seem to have even less performance than me in retail so what’s up? What’s up with that huh? What’s up?

A full Penance will heal for 552.

Why you running around WSG naked sounds like user error.


Then you have bad gear, or you’re not properly gearing for PVP.

Yea when you make wild blanket statements that’s a big deal. All of my level 25 characters (yes I have several) have over 1100 HP.

I mean sure I could use the sfk ring over advisors and buy some green boots of Stan over my bfd boots. Still wouldnt change the fact that Pom → penance would heal for like 70% of my hp.

Also doesn’t change the fact that most ppl have even worse gear than me

No find healers is easy. It’s just everyone wants priest because there busted. So finding priest is not easy.

Yea imagine prioritizing 6 spell damage over 60 HP. Wild.

My class should not be balanced around undergeared crybabies in BGs.

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What? No it should be balanced in relation to the totality of the game.

Clearly disc is an outlier. Based on the dozens of threads.

Tbh you just seem like you only enjoy a game when you are playing the post powerful class on the game. So gl

That’s not how evidence works! Majority opinions are NEVER how you handle issues.

I HATE the current state of priests. No damage spec, relegated exclusively to healing, Unable to properly protect myself out in the open world. Unless it’s a warrior or rogue, I’m struggling in a 1v1.

But you sir are absurd if you think that priests are OP. This thread is a bunch of people that haven’t learned how to use cc or prioritize their kills.

You are acting as if there is no cost to push in a cc a priest.

Sure if you are roflstomping it’s easy to get to a priest. But in an even match the priest is gonna be hard to get to.

Like I said I’m playing priest and have been forced to use penance to grind rep in the hopes shadow comes online at 40.

I’m saying from my experience in bgs I feel way too strong. I have never played a class in wow that feels this powerful. You say my gear is bad, but that doesn’t matter.

I was absolutely carry my teams all last night.

I even saw some gnome warlock make a thread about how op disc is directly after facing me. I was solo queueing.

Disc has absurd burst healing, which could be interesting if they were taxed on mana, but they have better mana than the other healers as well.

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Look, someone that is willing to be honest! Wild…

Side note I do think a massive part of the problem is the 25% damage nerf in wsg.

Without that nerf it would be much easier to get killing blows before the priest can save the target. Which would reduce the impact of priest.

But even removing that nerf, I still think penance and Pom need to cost more mana.

No. Playing the game is fun. If you want to sit and drink go back to era

There is always a cost to anything. There is a cost to pressuring the priest. And the cost to not pressuring them is they are able to free cast and regularly use their heals without risk. That’s the essence of PVP.

Then play better. Use hunters to pressure the priest out of range of their allies, use rogues to flank with sap, push in on their frontline until you can snare the priest. They have zero mobility.

Yea, weird. It’s almost like there is very few active runs, priest has a single role, and pretty much every class is riding off the power of their runes right now. Weird.

That’s fine. But you should also recognize your personal experience is not a representation of the whole or of reality.

Yes, because it has a 12 second cooldown. 12 seconds is a MASSIVE amount of dead time. Priest is really good at getting a priority single target heal off every 12 seconds. They are not as good at dealing with consistent sustained damage, or aoe damage.

It seems like people want BGs to just be massive burst damage killfests. No thank you. That sounds like a horrendous idea.

there is a flat damage reduction in wsg, so penance is super op there. one of the reasons I only world pvp right now. wsg is not fun

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Not gonna respond to your other stuff, cuz it’s all hope chess. “Well you could always have a rogue with zerking one tap them”

In a normal game a priest is going to be carrying the game. It’s as simple as that

12 seconds is a absurdly short cd, especially when you are weaving Pom and shield.

I’d say penance is similar to NS which is a 2 min cd. In terms of burst healing potential.

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Expecting other classes to use their strengths is not remotely the same as that. I see we’re just a bad player and disingenuous. I’m done talking to someone that is like that.

It’s gone from “Penance by itself is broken” to “If the priest uses ALL their tools”.