Nerf penance

The problem with these types of balancing changes specifically targeted at level 25 casual battlegrounds (even just saying that sounds completely absurd) is that you will drastically reduce their effectiveness in raids and just create further difficulty in BFD that will lead to more casual groups struggling.

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Im glad people with brains are replying in here now. lol

It heals for a total of roughly 600hp from a geared priest, if you can’t beat a team of 650hp players that’s a you problem.

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Yeah, nerf penance OR provide competitive tools to the other healers. Right now, no other healer can compete. Its ridiculous.

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Along the same argument, how does not nerfing priests affect others?

Well when’s the last time you had a shammy, druid or mage heal in BFD ?

Having priests so strong means no other healer class is desirable. WHy bring a druid healer when you can bring a priest healer.


Go play retail then!! This is classic

“we’re just trying to survive😔”

is the best healer in the game

i have no problem with penance i just found this very funny.

Druids are far performing all other healers by HPS by miles. It’s not even close.

That’s only because of magic dispel. If shamans or druids had a magic dispel I’d run mage / druid or druid shaman all day.


Penance is bugged and does not have a cast bar. With classic kicks that have a gcd By time you kick it, its already 2/3rds casted.

Also a lot of players unless fully geared have like 800-1000 hp. So penance is like a 50%+ heal. The problem is most wsg have 3 priests. I cant kick all 3

As a Priest healer, its not really fun that one button is the only important button you press, other than pressing Homunculi to help your Warriors parse better. Every other heal is dull in comparison to Penance.

It’s just simply too good.

Last night when we pushed Akumai to phase 2 I still had 90% of my mana left because just casting Penance and maybe a Renew every so often was basically good enough. And I’m in mostly just pre-raid BIS stuff. That’s kind of just silly. There’s almost no challenge to healing in PvE as a Priest. People have to fail really hard for you to need to actually engage in any other type of gameplay. Gearing is going to feel less rewarding when you don’t even need gear and the healing is trivial.

And as far as PvP… yeah I mean its pretty obvious already, every group fight revolving around who can counter whose Penance casts is silly. And the thing about penance is that the downside of it is that you can only cast it 12 seconds and outside of that 12 seconds you have to cast less efficient heals, which really means that the more priests you have the better each Priest is because each Priest you adds lessens the non-Penance healing you need to do.

It’s not healthy.

Idk what version of Akumai you’re killing. I have a 98 parse on it and I’m casting a lot more than like 2 Penances and a Renew. In fact, it’s not even Penance that does the lion’s work of the healing for me on that fight. You’re either getting carried or you’re just not being honest.

I’m so tired of these posts with people who are clearly not playing the class making posts like this like you people just wake up and go “I’m gonna go lie on the forums today.” Idk get a job or somm.

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I agree, must be a geared group or experienced enough players who are pushing the dps so well that they are breezing through the fight or, what i think makes most sense is that they were running 2 priest healers.

I have healed along side other priest and then along side a resto sham. I got to say its night and day. I think other healers need to be buffed to do a little better. The resto shaman i healed along side just could not keep up and went oom fast.

Sucks because the person was trying their best, just spells are terrible for other healers i guess. Give them some more love.

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While penance is great it will not be looked at until locks and feral sunfire are fixed. If locks and feral sunfire are “fine” then so is penance.


Shaman in particular are going to be just fine. They’re gonna get chain heal naturally and probably a riptide rune. Healing Rain just kind of sucks in BFD because you’re just moving through a tunnel quickly for most of the dungeon. For any prolonged fight with a melee stack healing rain+ chain heal will be bis. Idk if you’ve seen a healing rain dropped in Ashenvale pvp but it pumps.

A 98 DPS parse as a healer?

Or a 98 healing parse? Because… high healing parses are cringe, you realize that, right? That just means your homies are doing the fight poorly and taking way too much completely avoidable damage.

The only way I could see that being a good thing is if you solo healed the raid, which is borderline what we’re talking about doing, but we do want to rotate other healers in to get loot.


“Carried”? No. There’s just almost no damage going out.

There is no point in attempting to balance around 25 as the heal debuffs haven’t entered the game yet. At 40, you’re going to see sword spec warriors going around mongoing these priests that are used to full healing on a penance into the dirt when MS comes into play. If anything, the other healers need to be brought up to where priest is now. Damage is going to scale with 40 talents.

I can tell from looking at this that we are engaging with this game in very different ways. Your run took nearly an hour and your boss kill times are very slow. My group aims for fast clears. Ergo, I am casting a lot more than you because my raid is taking more incidental damage to make boss and trash die faster without they themselves dying. I’m watching a replay and people in your raid will just stand there. They’re not taking damage but they just…stand there. So yes, it would make sense there is no damage going out.

So no. We are not doing the fight “poorly.” We just like to be in and out in 20 minutes as opposed to one hour. That being said, it would make sense to me under those circumstances that you feel healing on a priest is without challenge.


I have multiple sub 40 minute clears. There’s no difference in avoidable damage. Actually, usually we take less. This raid had multiple people whose first time raiding was this lockout… and there was still barely any damage.

Considering the record was around 18 minutes for a while there, that’s a big ol doubt that someone arguing Priests aren’t OP had a full gold parsing raid comp. X - link log or it didn’t happen.

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Sounds like people need to learn what focus the healer means. Ya’ll do realize its a channeled spell right?

In a game where kick is on GCD, the spell does 66% of its healing before you can react to it unless you get lucky. Bad take.