Nerf penance

Paladin healing right now is just rough because they were always a mediocre healer until they have decent gear, and level 25 is just a terrible place for them especially since the one decent rune they got (beacon) is to expensive to use in most fights, to the point its detrimental. That said, if they don’t see some buffs, depending on how efficient penance stays, it will be harder to get a raid spot over a priest, assuming the buff necessities are filled, which can now be done by Prot/Ret. However they will still be viable healer though.

Druid goes oom almost as soon as the fight starts

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This is part of it, but the main thing they gain from gear is efficiency. Paladins are the most efficient healers in the game in Classic able to refund mana at an insane rate and heal effortlessly. But they got the least run support, and the support runes they do have puts them in groups you don’t want them in later. You want Horn on melee, but you only take horn on a holy paladin because why on EARTH would you not take Divine Storm (until it gets nerfed, which needs to happens.)

I dungeon healed on my druid to 25 and drank maybe 5 times total. I drank less healing on my druid than I did on my priest.

It’s a perfect counterpoint to the post I responded to claiming priests are unkillable. Not only are they not unkillable, they are killable by a single person.

I sped run dungeons with a group as well. It is not good up to level 25. Again, I’m a resto druid main since vanilla

Priest is infinitely stronger right now

What about my wild growth comment above? Respond to that one as well

Let’s just ignore the factor of exactly how long it takes to solo a priest and also ignore the factor that having more than one priest present to heal the others exponentially increases their ability to survive, not to mention the other dps classes throwing a wrench into any attempt you’re making at trying to control the priest like you can in a 1v1 scenario

Not long actually. They can be burst down in the 12 second penance cooldown.

Cool, as I said earlier complain to Blizzard about adding role-queue to BGs and limit the total number of healers in a BG to 2 per side.

Well I don’t know what to tell you. Because not only are druids completely dominating the healer parses in BFD, they are even keeping up with tank healing.

The dominate the aoe healing though.

GASP! You mean that there are OTHER PLAYERS in PVP you have to rely on sometimes! WHAT A CONCEPT! Maybe try playing with them.

It’s funny how the ONLY people that are in denial of penance being OP are biased priest players, and even still there have been multiple priest mains chiming in to agree that it is way too powerful

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Isn’t it funny how the only people using actual numbers and data instead of highly emotional hyperbole are the people pointing out specifics and not being a big cry baby whiner?

Just ignore the multiple other priest players that agree it’s overtuned, cuz that doesn’t fit your narrative

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Which doesn’t mean anything? I could claim I am a rocket scientist, does that mean I am telling the truth? Just because someone claims that they main a class

  1. Doesn’t mean they actually main it (I have 5 different level 25 characters)
  2. Doesn’t mean they are correct.

You’re just crying and refusing to have a real conversation.

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These people are too emotional at this point the devs should throw out this whole idea at this point. They don’t even know what they are talking about. Nerfing Penance hurts the game overall.

I mean, Penance is almost certainly overtuned. But these people act like it’s overtuned by like 500%, when it’s actually more like a 5%-10% overall. It’s above average.

But making Penance cost 10 more mana isn’t going to satisfy these people. They will only be happy when they can roll through clothies on their leet pvp character. This thread is 80% people who are bad at pvp here to cry like babies, and 20% people who are bad at PVE here to cry they aren’t top of the meters.

So basically every thread on these forums.

Paladins won’t see that gear until after they have some raid gear at 60, so will have mana issues for quite a while. As for the Horn, its party only, and I don’t know outside of hunters if melee groups would give up a windfury spot for a holy paladin. Also horn doesn’t stack with might/imporoved might, so it also could be dps reduction for most melee, especially as a healer could busy at points, and might not have the option to recast a buff every 2 minutes.

I do see hunters wanting horn though as they can’t benefit from might. I suspect prot paladins will take it horn, once they can get shield specialization, as aegis doesn’t make as much sense as it doesn’t stack with redoubt, agree ret wouldn’t take it, to many things in that slot that are better.

Same logic applies to you priest players denying it’s power level

You have a clear conflict of interest in this discussion

I have 3 25s. Priest was my third. I’d like other healers brought up to the same level of mana efficiency as PoM + Penance because the game is more fun when you’re not hard OOM for extended periods of time and can actually continue to play the game.

More fun for the healer, not everyone else that has to slog through infinite heals where nobody is dieing