Nerf Paladins

the reality is that prot paladins are just so extraordinarily overpowered in every aspect of tank metric:

  1. damage output
  2. mitigation/tankiness
  3. utility - mass silence on a 60 second cooldown, 12 second ranged interrupt with a refreshable cooldown everytime you take dmg, stand alone interrupt, magical immunity external to party member (spellwarding) on a four minute cooldown, 30% damage reduction to a party member (blessing of sac) on a one minute cooldown. Cleanse poisons and diseases

prot paladins are just such an unhealthy outlier for the current state of mythic plus. why they aren’t getting a severe nerf in all three of these areas, i have no idea.


Nerf pve tank prot pally. As a solution make PVP prot pally an option ? Would be NEAT! :star_struck:

we can’t just “nerf” prot paladin damage.

they are overpowered in a much more systemic manner - we can’t simply tune the numbers on prot paladins to make them balanced.

we need to, at the very least, remove blessing of sacrifice and spellwarding. Putting those sort of group survivability tools on a tank can never be balanced.

and remove the interrupt/silence effect from avenger shield - allow prot paladins to keep avenger shield for damage and holding threat, but take away the silence effect. Tanks simply don’t need infinite interrupts.

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I enjoy BDK, VDH and Prot War

In that order.

But BDK feels like 1 misplayed GCD and you’re going splat.

VDH, just feels underwhelming after how good it felt in S3 and S4

And Prot War is better than it’s been for a while but I’m not sure how the changes are going to have it go.

It takes a fun tank and destroys both its fun in offensive and defensive abilities all because some dev who don’t play warrior has had a random knee jerk reaction to an issue no one had and decided that despite a ton of feedback to the negative they are going to nerf rage generated by as much as 50% completely ignoring the warrior player base and killing the fun of a tanking class who isn’t even meta right now. We are not listening to player feedback should never be Blizzards motto but they are ignoring warriors and monks fairly heavy right now.

This is the one and only problem that needs addressed. Survivability, damage, that can all be tuned to where all tanks are gods for all I care. Spam interrupts in a game now where interrupts are king is grossly unbalanced.

If they want to keep it so the initial cast of divine toll interrupts I think that would be appropriate, but the spam interrupts of resonance and regular shield casts needs addressed.

Sad times in Zug Zug Town.

Covers the blue behind her picture

You saw nothing!

When it comes to Zug Zug, all are welcome, let no affiliations or creeds come between us, let us all brothers and sisters unleashing sweet sweet rage upon our foes.

May our thunderous roar be heard in Skyhold.

So say we all!

Oh that Thunder was me missing the jump from Skyhold… my bad.

From an average +14 log of Prot Paladin,

30% damage reduction on RF works out to be roughly 60k dps loss in keys like SV.

I don’t think its going to actively affect Prot Paladin’s status as top DPS by that much. They’ll be roughly equal to other tanks now, but still the top damage by a smaller margin.

Strength in Adversity was an unnecessary change imo.

Well everyone will be beating Warrior due to the 50% rage generation nerfs.

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The nerfs they’ve done this patch are pretty big.

Lightforged Blessing got a 50% nerf and that’s a decent amount of self healing (40-50mil a dungeon). Passive mitigation is also going to go down with the nerf to Strength in Adversity.

Prot Paly is already pretty squish and I’m on the edge of my seat constantly on a lot of these pulls in Grim Batol. Granted it’s not as bad as prior to the Prot Paly revamp.

The change to Uther’s Counsel makes it take roughly an extra 30-45s to reset bubble and Lay on Hands which is pretty big.

If Holy Paladins become the new meta then Prot Paly’s are definitely going to be less represented. Historically it’s always been the rise of Bear Tanks in the 2nd season which happened in DF and Shadowlands.

Well Image they doubled the mana cost/holy power of all abilities on Paladin. That about what they are doing to Warrior right now and Blizzard is just ignoring feedback on it. Nerfing Rage a little would have been one thing but nerfing almost every rage generation we have is just foolish. It hurts both the dmg we output and the defensives we have at the same time. It utterly kills Colossus warrior to rage starve a spec that was already rage starved. And yet there is 0 feedback from Blizzard about any of this. Not even a we hear your concerns.

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They gave us feedback though. They told us they were happy with the current state of Warrior. Which just proves that they’re clueless.

We really need to stop calling for other classes to be nerfed and actually start asking Blizzard to completely redesign Warrior from the ground up. We bring Rallying Cry, Battle Shout and Spell Reflect to a Mythic+ group (Which is what all these threads are usually about) and that completely pales in comparison to basically every other class/spec combination. Buffing an ability here or there isn’t going to solve the problem of an empty toolkit. They need to get back to the drawing board with this entire class and start constructing it with the design and scope of the game’s content loop in mind.

They want a hybrid abomination of a Class/Hero Shooter meets an MMO? Fine, design Warrior to actually bring something to the table that gives us more utility and viability in group content. Demanding other classes to be nerfed doesn’t solve the problem, it just makes you feel good for five minutes.


Most fun I had with Prot Paladin was SL. Tons of holy power generation, Lay on Hands sized WoGs on tap to send to allies every 1.5 seconds if I needed, lots of inturupts and great damage if teammates didn’t require healing. Way back then I could get 5.5million heals per second just healing myself on a training dummy and MORE heals if I had damaged teammates. Being the highest healer, damage dealer, and inturuper, at the same time was awesome.

Now Prot paladin is ok, as the healing was heavily nerfed, and other tanks are bad as their damage and inturupts are less. I don’t blame Prot Paladin players for this or want them nerfed. Other tanks can be brought up to match at least survivability and damage.

Nym you didn’t read the end of the first post did you?

I didn’t make this to honestly ask for Paladin nerfs I made this post to let 2 certain paladins use it to make posts rather than constantly go to warrior posts and derail them.

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That’s entirely fine. My post was largely not directed at you specifically but something I think the community as a whole needs to stop doing. Just my two cents on the whole thing. I’d generally like to see more rebuilds than nerfs as the first step Blizzard take when addressing balance. Nerfs just put the problem to the back of the to-do list.

Oh I 100% agree no one should be asking for nerfs for other things but buffs. Poor Brewmaster Monk needs so much love. Why they didnt focus on that and focused on nerfing Warriors shows just how out of touch the devs are.

Going to be honest, at this point they should give Brewmaster a giga buffed set piece or something. Something that acknowledges the spec needs lots of work, but until then here’s a shiny toy.

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