Nerf Paladins

Yep I said it nerf the class that is dominating the tanking role so others can get to play this season. Just look at the leather using tanks in comparison and there is none as most tanks right now are paladins. You want to fight about it fight about it here not on the warrior posts.


I’m down for nerfing glitter boys/girls.

Oh wow Prot Paladin is Meta for once. Must nerf them hard so it doesn’t happen again for another 3 expansions.

You mean how DH has been meta every expansion and likely again next season?


Just look at the leather tanks and tell me with a straight look that they are doing fine in TWW S1. No one cares how they were doing an expansion ago as that time has come and gone. This is the here and now and right now it’s Paladin on top and everyone else far in there dust and as the keys go up the margin just keeps getting worse and worse in the favor of Paladin so ya either buff the under preforming tanks or Nerf Paladin.

This is literally how tank metas work in every season.

This is only the case in high keys which accounts for less than 5% of the M+ population. Also similar to what we see every season.

Did we forget this gem in DF S4?

Or this one in DF S3?

They are, with the exception of BM which I have been vocal about Blizzard needing to focus on. Every tank spec if fully capable of running +2-12 keys which encompasses 95% of the M+ population.


This is your problem Sosari you post old info that once again no one cares about. What happened in Dragonflight isn’t what is going on right now. We only care about the here and now. Post the Paladin numbers for the here and now and it paints an insane imbalance in the current tanking. Yes your right that is how the mindless fish play meta and just blindly swim up that stream. There are people who want to fight for the little guy. The brewmaster monk, guardian druid and… oh God do I have to say it… the DH…oh I’m going to be sick. Hurk… Anyway jokes aside when the imbalance is as bad as it is its part of the natural way of things to see the too get nerfed and as I said I personally don’t want to see Paladin get nerfed but honestly with the way Paladins are treating people right now the best thing would be to nerf them. So choose buffs to the outliers or nerfs to paladins either way it will help the current tank crisis.



Here’s this season. Are you telling me that they are not doing fine aside from BM? 95% fall in this chart.


Now post the rest of the charts. Watch how as the keys grow the paladins start to decimate the rest of the tanks. If your going to paint a picture you need to post all aspects of what is going on.

I would post em myself but after 20 years of paying for the game Blizzard still hates the idea of letting me post images on the fourms.

Why are you cherry picking and so fixated on the top 5% of keys that doesn’t impact you or most players? Obviously when you get to the top you have more and more meta rerollers that will skew the data.


Which is no worse than any other season. The top 5% fall under this chart.


He could have been a contender if wasn’t for those damn paladins!


Your the one who’s cherry picking. You show only the charts that fit your agenda. Show them all and prove me wrong. I do 8 keys because honestly M+ is boring to me. I’m a simple person who enjoys getting AOTC and raid mounts from the achievements but other than that I mainly play wow to have fun. I don’t care if someone plays the meta choice if that’s what they have fun with more power to them but at the same time you need to be honest in your dealings.

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How am I cherry picking when I am:

  1. Showing you all the data that you requested.
  2. Focused on the data and chart that encompasses 95% of the M+ population when you are focused on the top 5%?

I literally showed you the bottom 95% and the top 5%. What?


Gotta show us the 100% :rofl:


Oh right how could I forget. /s



I’ll tell you in the morning it’s 1:30 am here in FL so I’m off to bed for now. Ni ni!

There’s nothing to tell. I’m not cherry picking or hiding anything. You are the one trying to ignore 95% in favor of the top 5% because it fits your agenda.


There’s only been a handful of seasons where Paladin wasn’t at least A tier, or very high B tier.

I’d rather see a season where tanks could play what they wanted to play instead of being forced into rerolling to get invites in high keys.

This season is pretty bad as far as tank balance goes, but I mean, at least Warrior is easily viable up to title range. Poor DK/VDH/Brew/Bear are absolutely struggling.

I’m always down for nerfing pala even if they fine

Whether the Paladin community want to admit it or not, they need to be tuned down a little as we know Blizzard never tunes up and believe me I wish they would! Imagine how much happier the player base would be if they threw buffs out instead of nerfs all the time.

Paladins can afford to lose say 5-8% DPS and their utility needs to be looked at as they have more group utility than any tank by far. Part of their popularity is the sheer amount of interrupts they bring and toning this side of the class down may well be all the balance they need.

Divine Resonance should probably be looked at along with Avengers shield only interrupting the first target struck. This would bring their interrupts in line with other tanks but still be slightly better. Divine resonance SHOULD NOT be as strong as it is… Avengers shield every 5 secs for 15 secs is just wildly OP in the current state of the game.

I would prefer for Blizzard to look at the other tanks specs and maybe give them all some more utility and interrupt power (AoE) but that is just more work than they appear to be keen on doing.

The tank playing field MIGHT be more even if Blizzard rolled back the change of mobs recasting after stops such as blind etc as each tank has a AoE stop of some form, but because of the instant recast Pally mass silence has just become too strong in the current state of the game.

Even if Blizzard did change their mob recast stance, I would still say Pally interrupts should be looked at as they are oppressively strong.

There will always be a stronger tank than others and a Meta team etc, but the gap should not be as large as it is.


Instead of asking for nerfs maybe ask for buffs. Nerfing Protection Paladin wont make your keys easier, especially if you’re not bringing one to you group.

This isn’t pvp, all the players in the M+ run you’re in, are on your team. While Protection Paladin is good in pve at the moment, it is terrible in pvp, so nerfs for it dont benefit players.