Nerf Paladins

My favorite tank specs, in order:

Guardian Druid
Blood DK
Brewmaster Monk
Prot Warrior
Vengeance DH
Prot Pally

I love tanking and I play all tanks anyway, but if I had my way, guardian and blood would always be viable in title range. I wish they’d do titles by spec.

It’s been a rough couple of years.

InB4 semantic argument from forum mafia.

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It is curious that this is not a thing. It would honestly do nothing to change the reality of the current meta, but it would at least change people’s perspective that their spec’s goals are unachievable.

Naw just bring the other tanks up to speed.

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That would be the more ideal thing but Blizzard only deals in nerfs. Like how they are nerfing warrior for no reason and even with all the feedback telling them its bad they are just ignoring the feedback. I would love to see the Leather tanks buffed but ya seeing as Blizzards only way of dealing with classes is to nerf them its clear the top tier needs to be nerfed as well. So guess its time to nerf paladins sadly.

Prot paladins have so much utility that it’s borderline impossible to make every other tank equal to prot paladin.

If all tanks are equal in terms of damage output and defensiveness/tankiness/mitigation, then prot paladins still win out because of things like blessing of sacrifice and spellwarding.

having a tank that can give a magical immunity external to another member of the team will never be balanced.

For other tanks to be equal to prot paladin, prot paladin’s dmg and tankiness would have to be SIGNIFICANTLY lower than every other tank.

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Uhhh no… how about we BEEF UP our other tanks so that the choice isn’t just the one that is dominating the tanking role right now?

I mean next we’re going to hear “Nerf Monks!” why? Because they are going to be dominating the healing in Season 2? No… bring the other healing classes up so they’re in line with the Mistweaver Monk.

The answer is NEVER to nerf a single class BUT to bring others in line with that class so that the choices are more readily available and fair.

<3 Dani

Thats the problem it was lower but this season they buffed it. So now paladins are the undisputed top tier tank and Blizzard seems to think that nerfing the second place tank is the way to go which makes 0 since. They should buff the lower tanks instead.


< ------- The point of this post


This post isn’t honestly ment to be a nerf paladins post. Read the last part of what I said in the OP its a place for a certain paladin to post and aruge while staying out of the warrior feedback posts. :wink:

We have ALWAYS had that type of ability on a prot pally… for as far back as I can remember we’ve had Blessing of Protection, which is FULL immunity to everything and Blessing of Sacrifice not just magic damage (which btw Blessing of Spellwarding was introduced in LEGION, bro). And yet, other tanks throughout the years have had their moments in the spotlight.

It can absolutely be BALANCED.

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Here’s 16+ which is Title Keys.

Prot Paladins are at 922%

Not to be pedantic, but this isn’t really a good metric because it shows repeats of players.

Its more work, but use this: h ttps://

And then you can see that the spec distribution above 3370 (Title cutoff for US):

Druid: 6 | 2.8%
Monk: 2 | 0.9%
Warrior: 4 | 1.8%
DH: 3 | 1.4%
DK: 0 | 0%
Paladin: 198 | 92.9%

Do you realize that Prot Pal was at the bottom of tank representation next to BM before the damage buffs? If the utility was so grand then we would have been higher without the damage. You are severely overestimating the impact of our toolkit in relation to how important tank damage is in determining the meta.

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Before 11.0.5 changes, Prot Paladin was 11% of the top 2000 keys according to Mythic Stats. It was steadily rising in popularity before then.

If you compare to DF S1, it showed a similar trend. Prot Warrior had much higher representation early on, but as key levels increased Prot Paladin became much more desirable, until Prot Paladin became the meta tank.

Observing the trend seems to indicate that at lower key levels (~12-13) at the start of the season, Prot Warrior trends higher because they’re able to tank the damage better than every other tank. Once item levels increase, Prot Paladin’s utility becomes much stronger because tank survivability is no longer the limiting factor in key completion.

Less about utility and more about damage. Even in DF S1, it was because we did more damage. It’s generally who takes the meta spot for tanks and healers simply because you need to do x damage within y time.

sometimes blizzard has a metric for how effective they want players’ characters to be in the current content.

when they have an outlier like prot paladin that is drastically over-performing, it would be in blizzard’s best interests to nerf prot paladin otherwise every class would be over-performing which makes the current content trivial.

so buffing all classes would have to be accompanied by a buff to all content.

Please as a dps player.

Just buff other tanks, I’m happy for them all to be on pally level.

A good pally may best my damage on pulls here and there, but they very rarely beat me in overall. I like it when tanks can make dps sweat a little and I know it keeps the game fun for tank players.


I don’t think we should nerf tanks. Buff them instead


Thousands of M+ tanks are playing Prot Paladin. If you like to dps in M+ I would not suggest giving all those tanks a reason to unsub from wow and enjoy their hot girl summer with a different hobby.

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actually i tank. i don’t dps.