Nerf Orc Before Cross-faction PvP

I am now main’ing a Shaman and am super excited about cross faction… But the truth is that I am still heavily incentivized to stay Orc if I want to push even though I think there are WAY cooler races for me to play.

Here are classes with their percentage playing Orc, taken from the player base above 1800+ in both EU/NA. These percentages Include Alliance

| Class        | Orc   |
| Shaman       | 90.1% |
| Warrior      | 82%   |
| Monk         | 80%   |
| Death Knight | 73%   |
| Warlock      | 68%   |
| Rogue        | 62%   |
| Hunter       | 58%   |
| Mage         | 52%   |

Feel free to disagree, but I am guessing not that many people actually think Orc is that cool.


orc stun reduc should be 10%

i feel like im inting when i play a class that can be an orc but i am not an orc. Feels awful.


Orc is definitely insane and needs looked at.


I would play dwarf or panda honestly. but this toon was orc cause it was originally draenaai (wowcrendor refeerence) but im not paying to change races.

Honestly not being orc isn’t as much of a big deal as people make it. There are a lot of cool options for shaman that have OP benefits in in arena.

Panda gets 42 extra vers which is more than 2 gems and in instant 4 second incap which can be used for cross cc with panda into cap stun or to peel yourself or to protect your healing tide totem from people trying to run behind a pillar and destroy it. Panda is also nuts for dodging cc from druids because you can panda them mid wild charge and then cc chain them with cap totem

Dwarf is also insane because you can take of all magic effects like soul rot, UA blanket silence or rootbeam and all feral surv hunter and assa rogue poison and bleed effects while giving yourself a second wall.

Dark iron dwarf is same as dwarf but instead of getting a wall you get a huge stat increase.

Draeni gets a 20% of your hp insta cast heal which is off gcd and if you have your earth ele out and bm active it heals for like 30k which is insane for an off gcd hot that you can pre use before getting ccd you can completely negate enemy team goes with your racial.

The biggest benefit of orc is it is good into rmp because it makes stun locks shorter but if you get shackled, mind games or combusted on you die anyways. But if you pre panda the rogue on his dance or pre earthern ontop of bm draeni/stoneform you could potentially survive the go.


Orc also just looks the best for xmog imo. maybe right behind dwarf.




They should just make racials pickable so people can play whatever they want.


Yes please. Sucks that priest can’t be orc

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Id definitley be playing an Undead Hpal, and kill myself every time I heal. Lol

Play human relent can’t have a bad trinket

Good post, orc for sure needs nerf. Unsure what needs to be nerfed first, sub rogue stuns or orc needs nerf


Yeah it should be nerfed but not being orc isn’t the end of the world

I think it is worth mentioned these percentages INCLUDE Alliance.

If they nerf Orc they should nerf Human too because everyone would just flock to that instead


Who would play this game then


We all playing lost ark in a week anyway, doesn’t matter.


Sounds like a fun month before everyone comes back


I’ll take it

Since cross faction is here, let people just pick which racial they want at character creation or disable them in pvp