Shouldn’t be able to have built in badge and relent trink from a racial ability
I agree nerf 2 button dh
Also agree. Just want my rogue to be undead bro
I don’t want to have to come up with names.
Cross faction q and remove racials thanksss
Racials need to go, or be situationally strong/balanced in their own rights.
Orc is sort of the outlier bc 20% stun DR will always be really good.
On use badge buff
Pet dmg increase for pet classes.
Like basically if ur class can be orc and ur not playin orc ur rly gimpin urself for aesthetics.
Kinda sucks but u get over it I’d still rather racials be deleted or just made equally strong.
If we had unique racials like undead can be immune to fear/charm/poly but also able to be shackled by priests or MC’d by dks or feared by pals with turn evil. I wouldn’t mind stuff like that.
Granted I’d rather just see them deleted but ur always gonna have that “ITS AN RPG” crowd
Definitely shouldn’t be deleted they add a lot of depth to the game but orc is just way to broken
Nelf rogues getting free restealth is also extremely broken
Which is exactly the problem lol. They are either useless, underpowered or overpowered.
Its always gonna be one is too good and everyone mass rerolls, look at WOD with human racial, and orc + relent in legion. Triple orc/relent comps
If WOTF was pre-nerf wotf with the 5 seconds of immunity it would be comparable in some way
I think its just better to remove them from rated PVP until a better solution to it comes into play rather then the buff/nerf roller coaster and mass rerolls
Need to nerf sub rogue some in that case pmuch but I’d honestly not mind orc and human rele being gone so other racials could stand out
I’m gonna be a black dragon mage next expansion with undead as my humanoid form if the leak is real.
Hopefully they got dope racials
dude they gonna look badass fr, I love elfs so Ill prolly switch to a belf so I can play horde but if its cross-faction I will 100% go night elf
You will never nerf me.
You mean you would go black dragon druid with a belf form?
yeah 10char
Nah actually the opposite needs to happen and they need to expand orc to more classes so I can finally enter my ultimate form of Orcadin Ret.
Well if the leak is real, you can be a black dragon ret and use orc as ur humanoid form
you would be a fake orcadin ret but an orcadin none the less
I’ll take what I can get at this point.
I suspect the leak is real but the racials will be as bad as worgen/nightborne so no one will actually play the new race to prevent mass rerolls
Orc/Human/Nelf will still be BiS till WoW dies
Sweats in Nelf Feral