Nerf Mage Tower now or I unsub

Is it bad that I read the title of this thread and almost spit my soda all over the place laughing?

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Venruki did it on his frost mage, so it’s not that it’s impossible. However, for some classes, they cannot handle the adds and damage the boss as effectively as Frost mages can. Also, the attempt Venruki managed to down the boss was some insanely high RNG dmg procs to help.

But yes, it is ridiculously difficult to say the least. My best attempt as MM hunter was 30%, still not even in Kill shot range, and I did this on multiple characters during Legion. If they nurfed the bosses health pools back to PTR, it would at least make some of the bosses manageable for certain classes / specs.

No. I know it sounds hyperbolic and entitled, but it is true.

This is not just about me getting the rewards or about the twins challenge as Shadow.

This is about the game as a whole, and specifically about how they misimplemented the return of the Mage Tower. They had months to get this right, but they still messed up, whether due to incompetence, arrogance, or greed.


Nobody’s saying they want it easy, just doable, so shove that high horse somewhere uncomfortable. This thing will be around for 2 weeks then be gone for nearly half a year. Not everyone has 4+ hours every day to prep or learn fights like this.

If this was something that would stick around and give people time to work on it, sure…leave it the way it is, people can do it when they have the opportunity. This difficulty for such a small window is nonsense.


Venruki is possibly the best Frost Mage in the world, all things considered.

also frost mage has the easiest challenge more than likely tbh.

like blizzard the infinite adds, collect free frost orbs. gg no re

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Not for pve tho

The only thing I’ll say is I hope they don’t over nerf it, the fact the Shadow one is doable doesn’t excuse its difficulty and many of the others are just above and beyond what should generally be expected.

I just hope they don’t overcorrect.

The frost one has different movement speed tuning on Karam. The dude’s a bloody rocket.

Agreed. I thought Frost was much harder. Frostbolts weren’t slowing Karam very much, and were barely chipping away at his health. No time to cast Glacial Spike.

rofl really? i wanna see that. that’ll show them frost mages for having 70% slows

It’s the first day, you don’t have any sort of currency locking you out, and you can do it as many times as you want.

Maybe (and I mean MAYBE) if it were the last day and you still hadn’t earned it, I’d have a bit of sympathy; however, when I see threads with your title or people threatening to unsub (on the FIRST day) … I’m having great difficulty in taking it seriously.

I’ve given it a shot on a couple toons, it’s ridiculously difficult (and I actually have a lot of the skins from the original) … I’m not saying it shouldn’t be nerfed, nor am I saying Blizz has been stellar in their most recent approach to content; however, if something like this will be the straw that broke your back … :wave:

Maybe take a break?

I understand this is a duplicate post from another thread, but it’s reasonable to explain this here.

Yes, 7.3 made the tower easier because it was end game.
Yes, people were overgeared because of 7.3.
We get that.

What some don’t seem to understand are the abilities, set bonuses, and Legion legendaries that were used and CRUCIAL in the tower. You can’t use those for Legion Timewalking, which shouldn’t be the case. Not to mention several racial abilities were reworked/taken away in BFA, which puts a dent on interrupts and mobility as of now compared to back then. If you’re doing Legion Timewalking, you should have access to systems during that time period (besides the legendary weapon. You can’t undo that, but it would be nice to have my dimensional rift back.)

Almost everything that is generally used in Timewalking is not available for use, which I can understand because it’s old content before Legion. Post equipment after Legion though? Maybe. It depends. Even people in Timewalking sets, those who’ve chosen to max out their own capabilities, (and likely have done the tower when it was current,) are being smacked. If we’re able to equip Celumbra and socket gems but not use the effect, what’s the point of bothering to wear it in the first place? The 3 gem slots are useless when you’re against a boss that was previously created and assumed YOU HAD LEGENDARIES AND YOUR EMPOWERED LEGION WEAPON TO USE.

It’s for this reason Mage Tower should be fixed up. Don’t make it supremely easier, though. Just tone it down a notch.


This would actually be acceptable. The problem isn’t just the difficulty, it’s that combined with the tiny window people have to do it.

Why would you run glacial spike? Thermal void lance spam all the way with infinite frozen orbs from blizzard on all the adds.

What’s Mage tower, and how do I get there? I’m a mage, I should know.

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Fourteen days may not be enough, though, for some people to spend hours on each challenge hoping to get 7 done for the mount, or heaven forbid, all 36 done for the feat of strength.

I am going to be busy in my personal life this weekend and most of next week, and have no idea whether I will be subbed to WoW when Legion timewalking comes back, so for me this is a very FOMO event and I would need to make a lot of progress the first few days it is available.

Already taking a break from the game. Will stop checking the forums, too, when I give up for good on the devs fixing this.


Understandable, but it’s a shame. I’m personally looking forward to taking a couple cracks at the Shadow challenge once it finally opens up tomorrow on EU. Hope my advice has at least helped some people.

Best of luck, and I hope we see nerfs to make them all doable but still a challenge for most people sooner rather than later.

Well, I wish you the best. :man_shrugging:

damn thats crazy