Nerf Mage Tower now or I unsub


LOL, I am liberal because I am pointing out the flaws in WoW’s haphazard game development?


because you want it to be easy. its not a flaw its hard not impossible.

oh i remember this, i meant killing karam

Have you seen the video I put in the other thread and on the guide when it was updated. I know it’s significantly harder than you found it in Legion, but I do genuinely believe most people can crack it as it is now with perseverance.

Other challenges I’m not so sure.

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I want them to leave it hard. But not make it time limited for 2 weeks. Just leave it available and hard and is fine

I feel this 100%, except I already unsubbed months ago and only came back for this because I wanted to get the mount for my main who is a mage and this fits perfectly. As it is they won’t even keep me playing through the two weeks this event lasts unless they bring the challenges in line with the much weaker version of our characters that they are forcing us to do them with. The challenges are still tuned around having 2 legendaries and a fully upgraded artifact weapon and until that is addressed this is just Blizzard’s latest terrible mess.


They’re definitely going to nerf it. It’s like Torghast all over again. That doesn’t mean that you can’t do it in the meantime though. Lots of mages have gotten through it already.

Yes, I can see that the Shadow challenge is possible, because I almost made it a few times. Thankfully, Karam seems to have less health than he does for other specs, but this can also be your doom if he dies to your DoTs, trinket procs, or Shadow Crash and Raest gets buffed.

Yes, for some other challenges, it almost feels like the mobs are bugged or the game devs are trolling you because they spite you for having been able to do the challenge in Legion or on PTR.

Herein lies the overall issue of tuning. Shadow is not as poorly tuned as other challenges, but it is still bad, and it feels like they are trying to shake up any strategies that worked in Legion just because they can.


This person isn’t rational. This is the equivalent of a karen that if they don’t let her coupon work at the store they’ll call corporate lmfao.

Oh I agree. It’s a pretty empty threat though lol. There’s almost no scenario where this doesn’t get nerfed. As always, difficult solo content is too difficult for a significant percentage of the player base.

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i’ve never seen so many posts on the forums about one thing. ppl are pissed.
(tbh i re-subbed for the anniversary, i ran out of thunderfury blades)


I think mage tower needs to be nerfed #procasual


Why are you redotting him after phase 5 starts if you never plan to kill him? I can see him getting an errant shadow word pain from a searing nightmare on a fiend, but that wouldn’t be anywhere close to killing him.

Again not chastising, and I do get that it’s probably harder than it should be even while it’s one of the more doable ones, but I do wanna see as many people complete it as possible before it inevitably gets nerfed alongside all the others.

Also Blizzard has a tendency to over correct.

It’s not just that I can’t get the rewards I wanted.

It’s that this Mage Tower debacle has demonstrated how poorly WoW devs are doing their job, and how poorly they are communicating and interacting with the playerbase. Mage Tower should have been up on PTR longer, to properly collect feedback and avoid any last minute tuning.


I agree with your statement here, ANTI WOW DEVS

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They’re working really hard to try to convince people that there’s nothing to see here, as though somehow shouting down people on a forum is going to have any effect on the upcoming tidal wave of unsubscribers.

Good luck all you leetists. You’re going to need it when Activision pulls the plug on the funding of your vanity content after all those people who finally realized their sub money went right to you have left.


I have two trinkets that proc AoE damage from DoT ticks of surrounding enemies. I could swap trinkets, but need that incidental damage to handle adds while also damaging Raest and Karam. I can’t leave everything alive forever, especially when I need to be moving so much to handle mechanics and I need to focus the hands down ASAP.

ITS NOT IMPOSSIBLE LOL what testing do you want them to do. ITS DIFFICULT just keep doing it and it will happen holy crap man. You’re so soft.