Nepotism kills Guilds

I agree but if that person is nice, genuinely trying ( maybe 50% there but not crazy dps) and doing mechanics, I’ll allow it personally but again that’s rare. :frowning:

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Welcome to how the world has worked for centuries. This is why my guild is purely all RL friends and we all hang in Discord. We don’t recruit cause we are not interested in outside drama.

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Sounds like my Stellaris “democracies.”

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Solution is to have a gay GM. :rainbow_flag:

Anyway, well-run guilds don’t have these problems. Stop joining bad guilds.


I meant groups within groups but eh fair lol

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If you don’t think a guild represent you, then that tells you its time to pack it up and leave. Remember in all is said n done the person who is at the top, the guild leader owns that guild and they can do with it as they please. No one really has a say in it outside of just leaving. Its as simple as all that, all guilds in general at the end of the day is actually a dictatorship, no matter how much of a fair play democracy they promise.

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I am many things Kal-El, but here…

Sure. But there are checks and balances.

Guilds need people. So if they don’t run in a fair way, or how they have stated they will run. Then yeah. You leave.

Staying is consent to how the guild is run. If one sees favoritism and still stays, that implies to me they just hope the favoritism starts benefiting them instead.

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Running a good guild is a lot of work and most GM’s of good guilds would be happy to turn it over to somebody else, is the thing.

A lot of good guilds go belly-up because the GM burns out and nobody else wants to do all that work.

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Had this happen a few times myself. Healer gf to whoever would die literally every boss pull - rarely ever used her defensives, would stand in AoE stuff, etc. then would complain that nobody should roll need on stuff cause she should have it lol.

I’ve seen this first hand with so many guilds. I’ve also tried to be a Guildmaster many times and didn’t play favorites. My guilds did really well for the most part. I will say I think it is only natural for people to play favorites and to favor friends but dang yeah its hard to find a guild these days that doesn’t do that.

Favoring friends is productive, it’s investing in the future with some players.

Compared to giving loot to new people that might not be around next week.

Do people treat loot this way?

You get geared via vault regardless. I think I looted and used one piece of mythic loot from raids this tier.

I thought the whole point of having group content in the first place was to be able to play with friends and family?

(But then again, I’m a solo player, so maybe I should just stay out of this)

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Incorrect, as a GM and raidleader you built the guild up, run the raids and some even provide consumes. They can do whatever they want in their raid environment. Giving the best loot to someone you know won’t leave in the middle of the tier is very productive.

For the time being perhaps but that little thing called life eventually hits and for one reason or another you will lose people until it’s down to just you. If you don’t take that chance and let others in you may as well just /gdisband now. A slow death is still a death.

Do you not understand the concept of a core roster?

I plan too.

Is it safe to assume you’re in a mythic raiding guild using RCLootCouncil?

On the flip side entitled players also kill guilds, even when you are trying to be fair. Many many many many many times I have seen players have a hissy fit and leave.

“I’m the top healer I deserve the trinket.” - Tops heals because top iLVL and best gear.
“I signed up as tank, I should have that tanking item.” - Is not a regular tank, just running alts.
“I’m lowest DPS because I don’t have good gear, give me the loot.” - Terrible DPS because they don’t also run M+, enchant, or upgrade gear.

I’ve seen it all, players who think they are deserving of something for any reason is more the main problem as to why guilds disband.

Players need to realise it’s a group effort, your main tanks and healers should get gear before alts, players need to run M+ to supplement bad RNG, players all need to upgrade gear, throw some enchants and so forth.

And this goes for the nepotism guilds, showing favouritism to friends and family will mean other players leave and will kill your guild. Stop making excuses and be fair to ensure we can all help each other progress.

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